Monday, April 28, 2008

'Anti-Terror' Drills Could Go Live

Why don't they ever have these drills on the border?

Who, in their right mind, would EVER attack SEATLLE before they would attack Los Angeles?
We have a bunch of "false flags" going on right now....Mortgage and Foreclosure Debacle, The Government Manipilation of EVERY market in the free world....The Coming FOOD Crisis....The Rice Shortages........THE FUEL..Crude...Gas...OIL....Propane...WD40...Vaseline...Shortage... And the BIGGEST one of ALL----The WORLD BANK commenting on the world food crisis. (They are the ones that instigated it.)
This is ALL just a DIVERSION so no one person will see what is really happening, RIGHT IN FRONT OF their own eyes.

Please read this article and then ..PLEASE.. call Me a Conspiracy theorist.


'Anti-Terror' Drills Could Go Live

Lindsey Williams - Google Video

IF you do not read between the lines of all the main stream media you see, you are going to be lead to slaughter like the sheeple "THEY" want you to be.

PLEASE take some sort of action now.

good luck to all.


Lindsey Williams - Google Video

Friday, April 25, 2008

Border agents to use paintball guns to fend off attackers | LOCAL NEWS | Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family

I am TERRIBLY sorry for the profanity but this takes the cake. I know our wonderful Democratic, constitutional government is not very serious about dealing with the border problem. HHMMM.. NYC cops are given machine guns to protect the subways and the #$#$%^# border patrols are given paintball guns!!!
Do ya see something wrong with THIS picture?????

Border agents to use paintball guns to fend off attackers LOCAL NEWS Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yahoo! Bookmarks


Here is the first installment of what I see as the "path" to seeing the truth.

These are SOME of the places that will show you wtf is going on.
Yahoo! Bookmarks

O.K.!!!! Now I am SCARED !!!!!!!!!!!!

This isn't going to be the complete post I wanted to have when I started because I haven't gotten all my links down in the order I want to have them yet.

I am goiong to give you, the reader, the most important piece of info you will ever have. I am going to give you a walk through of the websites and articles I have seen ...the ones that had made me come to this cataclysmic decision I have made.

Some of you that know me, understand that I am not a pessimist by any means. I rather think of myself as quite optimistic and positive and funny. All that has taken a backseat to what I am about to reveal.

I have never been more blown away, intriqued, fascinated, awed and saddened all at the same time.

I would highly recommend that you enjoy every single moment of your existence over the next year or so. It is going to get pretty wild. Some will not make it. Others are going to be in for the shock of their lives. Some will make it through largely unscathed. I hope you are one of those that make it. It is, literally, out of our a degree.

Let me get things in order and be prepared for the next post.

good luck and seeya,

Sunday, April 20, 2008

AAA .. Look further into post to see what the 3 a's are.

I am going to put a post on here Tuesday that will shut my service down. You will not believe what I have found.

I was at a fortunate place at an "unfortunate "time and it will come back at some point.

I am gonna blow the socks off of some stuff in a day or 2.

Seeya, RUsty

Thursday, April 10, 2008


If you didn't get here from Youtube, you need to go watch this.
I am about to reveal some stuff that the main stream media won't even touch.
Grab the pants you have on because I am about to yank em down.

Tired of being lied to and confused?

I am in the process of making a 30 minute video right now. It WILL take alot of time.
Stay tuned....


Nice...Amerikkkkka, land of the credit freeze, home of the slave...


Monday, April 7, 2008

A Rusty White ORIGINAL !!!!


ALL I can say is ..............WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tried to watch "part" of the golf tournament on Sunday and didn't make it 20 minutes.
We are coming up on this weekend for the MASTERS. I might have to miss it this year. They continualy let corporate amerika infilatrate their basis and it becomes the norm and everyone becomes complacent. We now do not seem offended that we turned our TV on to watch a broadcast of "golfing", yet by the time the show is over, we will know everything we need to know cars, tampons, erectile dysfunction, hemmoroids, breast augmentation, penile implants, religion, lack of religion, american idol , american idol contestants, american idol contestants family, american idol contestants' family's hemmoroids,.etc,. etc,. etc........
It all boils down to the most profound song of all time.........The Eagles...." Get Over It".
You should go to youtube right now and listen to that song unless you are in deep meditation.

visit me at

Sunday, April 6, 2008

WHAT THE .................? Part 2.

Okay, we left off with a basic understanding that the ENTIRE 911 fiasco didn't quite happen as we were led to believe. You must understand this one thing in order to see through the maze that was created by the perpeTRAITORS. ...911 HAD to happen !!! I know that might sound ludicrous, unfeeling and apathetic, but it will make sense when you look at it from a different perspective.
Most of what you see in regard to 911 is based on deception and diversion. It's just like the way a magician works, slight of hand. WE all KNOW the magician doesn't REALLY make a person disappear, but our minds are amused and entertained by the deception. The mind actually KNOWS how most tricks are done and when we see the process behind the trick, we say, "So THAT'S how they did that"!
Unfortunately, a certain part of civilization is content to be TOLD what to do, what to think, HOW to think and HOW to react to what they see. The problem lies in the fact that those people don't even realize it's happening. Here is a small sample of what I mean. You wake up in the morning to the sound of a radio playing YOUR favorite station. The morning news is going strong with all the latest headlines. You head to the bathroom to take care of business as "Another 4351 Dead in Iraq" swoons thru the airwaves. You hypnotically float into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee and hear the TV in the background. "President Bush calls for Putin", comes softly out of the flatscreen as that first sip of jo goes down. You pick up the paper to see, "Market gains 224 points on latest 1/4 pt. cut". Wow, you think, life is GOOD!!! You walk.... barefooted.... across your chemically treated beautiful hardwood floors towards the shower. The radio is wafting out, "Traffic is bumper to bumper going into the city", as the hot fluoride treated water hits your face and chest. Oh it feels so good to wash yesterdays "crust" off with that nice smelling soap. You brush you teeth with a paste that is going to "naturally" whiten your cigarette stained teeth. Your hungover liquor breath, will be freshened by a sweet smelling "swill" of chemicals that smells like FRESH MINT. You walk across the newly cleaned carpet to the closet. Inside those 4 painted walls of GYPSUM, you pull out your best looking dry cleaned suit. Wow, this polyester/acrylic fiber never felt so good. As you put your chemical warpaint and pheromone spray on, you look into the mirror and say, "I'm a human being god dammit and my life has meaning"!!!! (Well, maybe YOU don't say that. Watch the movie Network) You get into your new car smell and head off to work. Radio is your morning companion most mornings. The plastic device in your hand vibrates and you get excited as the first of many calls for the day comes in. About now the "other" mind wakes up and starts thinking. "Hmmm, that Johnson contract is going to be a tough nut to close", you say to yourself. "We just have to block everything else out and concentrate on this", you think. All this time your buddy, the radio, has been "pounding" you with all the things you NEED to know that are going on in the world. You walk into that gorgeous office of yours and see the latest headlines on the tv mounted up in the corner by the ceiling tiles. WOW, the hvac has made the room smell really "clean" this morning.

OKAY...Okay!.. You get the picture ! This could go on for a lifetime. Hopefully, you get the point.
I challenge you to try something different. This will make you feel better than ANY new drug or diet or food or car or money. Try this for 30 days......Just SEE if you can do it. Challenge YOURSELF!!!! For the next 30 days, unplug everything. Unplug the TV, unplug the radio, turn off your cell phone, pager, blackberry, pda, throw your newspapers in the trashcan, read the ingredients in your food and drive as little as possible. Don't go to any social event if it is based strictly on entertainment or is ego based. (movies, football, pta) It is a pain in the ass the first few days, but after that, you can FEEL the stress and bad energy sliding off of you like warm butter. It will change your life...guaranteed!!

Let's move on to how all that ties into 911. But wait! First off, I would like to extend my condolences to all the families of the murder victims of 911. It is a terrible atrocity that your family members and loved ones were murdered in the name of "profit". Watching those human bodies falling thru the air on 911 was something that we ALL probably need therapy for. Unfortunately, they were seen as "expendable collateral damage" by the folks that orchestrated this event. Once again, I, and every other American that knows the truth, apologize for letting this happen and not being able to stop it. Some tried, but they were labeled as conspiracy theorists. Sorry.

I don't want to go into how the Bush and Bin Laden families have such close ties. You can find all that on the Internet. However, it certainly sheds light on lots of events regarding 911, when you see where the money comes from and where it goes.
Back to our adventure. If you have ever played the game "Chugg it", you know that we all have a "TP" or tolerance point. Some of us used to be able to "fill 'er up", while others, "lost it" as soon as 1/2 cup of beverage hit the back of the throat. This is the same way we took in the news of 911. Some turned their heads away in disbelief as their minds were saying, "This is just TOO much information..shut down..shut down..shut down! Then there were those that watched everything that they could stomach in utter shock, as the mind was saying, "Can this REALLY be happening"? Then there was the other camp that sat there amazed this could be pulled off and "sold" to the public so easily. We sat and watched in awe and wondered, "Why are they "demolishing" those buildings"? We KNEW the second that WTC 2 was hit something was wrong. I actually had mixed emotions that morning. I felt like I should be saddened by the events, but I had almost 20 grand in Put options on the S&P that was going up 1000's by the second! BTW, after all was said and done, I wasn't able to make much profit on that trade, like many others, yet a lucky few made millions on positions on AA and UA. Amazingly, the paperwork that shows who made the money (that would lead to the killers) was ...gulp..."destroyed in the destruction of the WTC's". WOW!!!! No paper trail. No electronic backup. No bank transfers. NOTHING!!! I got about 10 different copies of my "near losses"!
But, like they say in Texas, "OIL Well"!
I have spent hundreds of hours looking at video of the WTC's being destroyed and always kept looking at the obvious "plumes", that come out of strategic locations, supposedly activating the necessary failure of certain structural elements to bring the buildings down. It always struck me that, "They don't have enough explosives planted to do THAT'! The buildings were PULVERIZED!!! No floor sections, no pieces of structural columns that, for all practical purposes are BIGGER than your bathroom. Imagine massive pieces of steel bigger than your leg, surrounded and encased in hardened concrete, constructed to specifications that take into consideration being hit by airplanes (707, L1011.....737 ..who cares!) and in one hours time, "turning into DUST"!!!! It only happens in Sci-fi movies. Up until now!!

What I am about to tell you has not been put forth into the main stream consciousness yet, as far as I can see. It is going to sound so far fetched that, once again, there will be those that turn their heads and say, "It can't be so. It just can't be! I didn't see anything about THAT on CNN or Bill O'Reily so it CAN"T be true. Where did you get your information? Prove it to me"! I have proved it to myself. Take my word for it or do your our research and find out about it. I learned long ago that you gain NOTHING trying to prove your stance on anything. All you get is aggravation and cynical, sarcastic criticism that is usually uneducated and egotistically based. I chose not to waste my time with the people that NEED that in their lives. Kinda like arguing with Shaun Hannity about ANYTHING. You are ALWAYS wrong even if you take HIS stance!!! hahaah!
Okay, let's get straight to the meat of this meal we call information overload and see where we come out.

There are certain types of equipment being used right now by the military, and police soon, that are more powerful than you could imagine. They use electromagnetic scalar interferometer weaponry that is actually pretty cool. Think of "ray gun" and you get the picture. Nikola Tesla was the one that actually came upon this power and learned how to use it. He finally abandoned it because he saw the destruction it could have upon mankind. You know as well as I do that the higher powers wouldn't let something so powerful just disappear. They have been licking their chops like inmates, waiting to get the chance to use this power and implement it into society. It is now being used for crowd control, weather modification and a host of other "operations'. Look it up on google. You can read for years about it.

Now the USAF has a neat little piece of equipment.. they even took pictures of it to show it off...and this thing bores thru the earth like a mole in your backyard. It is cool as hell and took a while to perfect but, "MAN, does it chew thru some DIRT"! They had to develop this piece of machinery so that it would bore thru the earth and whenever it encountered an obstacle (like rock) it would have the means of obliterating it into small enough pieces to navigate by it..or thru it. You can see this machine and learn alot by watching all of Phil Sneider's videos on youtube. They use what they call a laser/maser. Pretty powerful stuff.

So, we have the technology to laser/maser thru rock. We have the technology to vibrate atoms at such a rate as to cause them to explode, and we have the technology to "meltdown" weapons of mass destruction (as they are flying at 400 mph +) in the atmosphere by satellite. Remember Reagans' "star war" spiel?

There you have it. The WTC's were brought down by the use of a small amount of explosives (you can see pictures of thermite/thermate cut columns online), and the use of laser/maser technology. I'm not sure if it was fired from the ground or from a satellite but that is a mute point. That is the ONLY way those buildings could have been "PULVERIZED" to dust.

Search out the truth long enough and IT will find you. I took precautions before publishing this post. I have multiple copies of this and have told many people that I am not contemplating suicide. Imagine that! Your life in danger for spilling the beans. "It just can't be I tell ya! The government of this great country would NEVER harm anyone that wasn't a threat"!!!

Tuesday....part 3 of WTF.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Divine Cosmos - Free Video Seminar Now Online!

Go to the 3rd part of Camelot series and fast forward to 5:oo min into video. Listen to
what he has to say about "PLANTS".
If this kinda thing doesn't interest you or you think it is "way out there"......guess what!.....YOU are the one that is "far out" and you may want to consider if that which you have been brainwashed with, is doing you any good.

Please take a look. It very well could be "A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH".

Divine Cosmos - Free Video Seminar Now Online!

WHAT THE ..............? part 1.

This post is going to TRY and unravel a few things in regard to some of the complex issues surrounding 911. If you are one of those people that go around beating the Bush War drum and you are a firm believer of the MM (mass media) propagandized tale of 911, then you might want to go check out the CNN page or tune in to Bill O'Reily to get your info.

These are not as much my beliefs as they are my views. This is how I see it from the information I have extracted from all this wonderful resource called the www. I have followed some info so far down the rabbit hole that it becomes very easy to get sidetracked. Others, I was easily able to see thru to the truth due to some personal experience or knowledge on the subject. Either way, I have tried to look at all this stuff and come up with a logical explanation of WHY 911 was planned, carried out, covered over and why someone would do this.

I am going to keep these observations as short as possible and not elaborate in depth so we can keep our eyes on the prize. If, for example, I say, "Bush is a liar", I'm not going to give you 37 links to go to so you can actually watch him lie, nor will I give all the resources that I looked at to come to that truth. That would take me longer that the war has lasted. So, what you are going to get is a very short and to the point statement of a fact..non-biased, logical, rational, unemotional.

Let's see where this takes us. Good luck.

We killed Saddam Hussein under the guise he had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We attacked Iraq under the guise they had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We are currently bombing and killing in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden. WRONG.
We were told calls were made from HIJACKED flights on 911. WRONG.
We were told Aluminum aircraft brought down concrete and steel buildings on 911. WRONG.
(I will elaborate on this one in a minute)
We were told 2 planes brought down 3 buildings on 911. WRONG.
An acting president sat unprotected for 30 minutes during an attack on the country. WRONG.
We are fighting Al Quida and Iraq soldiers in Iraq. WRONG.
The Bush Administration is doing all this for the welfare of the citizens, WRONG.
A PLANE hit the Pentagon. WRONG.
A HIJACKED plane crashed in Shanksville.. WRONG.
The WTC's were brought down by planes, fires, explosives. WRONG.
We are looking for Osama Bin Laden....ANYWHERE........ WRONG.
Terrorism is a REAL threat to our country. WRONG.
Stupid, religious fanatics from another country could take over a plane with a "boxcutter". WRONG.
Ted Olsens' wife called him from ANY plane. WRONG.
911 was a freak, unexpected event. WRONG.
America, land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE.... WRONG.
Oil is in short supply and needs to be expensive. WRONG.
The current administration is justified in bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or Pakistan. WRONG.
Oklahoma City bombing was done by McVeigh or one man. WRONG.
We need oil and/or fossil fuels for power and energy. WRONG.
We haven't developed the technology yet to have "alternative energy". WRONG.
We have a warming climate... Wrong.
We have a problem with the ozone layer. WRONG.
Our constitution will protect us. WRONG.
The police are there to serve and protect. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
Organized religion is for the enlightenment of the masses. WRONG.
UFO's are not real. WRONG.
No other life exists in the universe. WRONG.
THEY, are keeping the truth from you. WRONG.
We live in a Republic upheld by the The Constitution. WRONG.
We are free to go about, travel, explore, inquire as we please. WRONG.
Our WAGES can be taxed under original Internal Revenue Code. WRONG.
We DON'T have any sophisticated weaponry orbiting in space. WRONG.
We DON'T have thousands of miles of underground tunnels and numerous underground bases. WRONG.
The President runs the country. WRONG.
President Bush has ANYTHING to do with the running of this country. WRONG.
Dick Cheney is in charge. WRONG.
The Illuminati are at the helm of NWO. WRONG.
"Follow the money" will always show you the real truth. WRONG.
WE, as a species, are ready for the truth about everything. WRONG.

WELL, that is just the tip of the iceberg. I won't even get into all the religious, financial, biblical, societal, governmental and personal fallacies that are floating around out there. I have been lucky enough to have discovered that once you stand on the mountain and look at the forest, the whole idea of not seeing the forest for the trees becomes absurd. However, one should not become complacent with just seeing things from the mountaintop. You should strive to go one step higher....and then another...and another ..until the very thing you were looking at is seen as being one with everything. That may sound confusing but if you will open your mind to the possibilities, you will find the truth...and the truth will, not only set you free, but it will leave you sitting on your butt laughing your ass off at how naive you were all those years, while the truth and the big picture were right there in front of you the whole time, staring you in the face.

Okay, we will expound (briefly) on one subject at a time....then I have to go to work!

911, Airplanes, Concrete, Steel.

I was lucky enough at one stage of my life to drive a tractor trailer OTR (over the road) for a while. In a trip to Florida, I came upon an accident involving a UPS truck. It seems as if the driver had fallen asleep in the wee hours of the morning and had plowed straight into one of the concrete bridge abutments next to the road. The truck was fully loaded (probably 20,000 lbs. +/-) and the fuel tanks burst and the fuel got ignited from something. Diesel fuel in this case. The truck burned for some time before I got there. What really surprised me was how "little" damage was done to the concrete structure of the bridge. The column that it hit was virtually unscathed. There was a couple of small "chunks" of concrete that was missing (coffee cup size, one milk jug sized) from the face of the concrete and there was blackened burnt fuel residue on the face of the column, but THAT was it!!! The truck was absolutely DEMOLISHED ! The cab was smashed, engine and all, as flat as a pancake. Condolences to the family. I'm positive the driver died. The bridge was NEVER COMPROMISED! I came back by the next day and the bridge was open and cars were using it freely.
What does this have to do with 911.
When you challenge a concrete and steel structure with aluminum, titanium, steel or metal, the STRUCTURE will win every time. No questions. No doubt. Proved time and time again. End of story.
Airplanes and resulting fires DID NOT TAKE DOWN concrete and steel buildings. I was an Architectural Consultant for over 10 yrs. and I know more about structural integrity than 99.87% of people reading this post...So unless you are a Structural Engineer is educated in loads and such, don't waste your breath trying to prove the "molten metal" theory. WAS melted, but not the way you think !!!!

Tomorrow, part 2.
What REALLY made those buildings "PULVERIZE" into dust. (p.s. it wasn't JUST explosives!!!!)