Thursday, May 29, 2008

Govt Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks

Govt Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks

Here is another example of just exactly how the Bush machine works. I don't care if we found life on ANOTHER planet, Bush and family would convince the American people we need to allocate 80 trillion dollars to go to that planet and bomb the hell out of these "aliens" so we can bring them into the throes of DEMOCRACY!!!!

We have a lunatic running this country and people are starting to see the Emperor has no clothes on and he is in fact a "monkey" in a suit. What a blathering idiot this man is.

We are told all our lives that you should never "TAKE the Law into your own hands"
Well lemme tell you something. There are alot of Americans that are getting ready to take this country back from all these out of control politicians.

PLEASE read my earlier blogs as well and learn just who this Family is that has been bleeding this country dry as they promote their war machine. This is only done to fill the coffers of their Corporations and family run businesses.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Idaho Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president

Idaho Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president

This is the most interesting hour of reading I have ever done. If you would like to finally connect the dots and see what is being done to the USA by the Bush family, then read this article in it's entirety and then read it again.

It is jaw dropping to see all the "consistencies" of the Bush war machine and how they have been going on way before anyone reading this was even born.

If you haven't noticed that we are now in a world of shit in regard to the economy, food, gas and oil and housing markets, then read this and it will REALLY scare the shit out of you.

Everytime you see a picture of the good ole BUSH family vacationing at Kennebunkport, will understand how they got there, how they acquired it and what they are there for....then you will probably start crying or piss in your pants, because it will strike you that ALL this article talks about, is TRUE.

The Bush family has a long standing plan to take down America. They are succeeding stupendously and they don't really give a shit what YOU think. As a matter of fact, write your congressman, vote someone else into office, call a senator, protest at the Whitehouse.....hahahahaha...they have all of us eating shit out of their hands and we are asking for more!!!!!

Many will not make it thru this next crisis the Bush family has planned for us. Just ask some of children of dead soldiers if it is worth it. Just ask family members of those that jumped out of WTC windows on national television, if it is worth it.

Have a very blessed and cheerful Memorial Day weekend. The Bush family is "counting" on you to help keep the aggrandizement of war going on ,even into YOUR grandchildrens' lifetime.

Please wake up from your horrible dream. We need to chop down some very big trees in the forest so we can let some sun shine in. Just remember, we peons have nothing to lose...but "The bigger THEY are, the harder THEY fall".

Are US Republicans Sane? - Pravda.Ru

Are US Republicans Sane? - Pravda.Ru

Here is a PERFECT example of what others see going on in the USA. It is rather enlightening to see things from the less western brainwashed ideology.

If you have not seen how totally insane George Bush and company are, go and read my earlier posts.
It is amazing that the VERY families and countries that the Bush Administration is going after, are the SAME families and countries that the Bush administration has had long standing business ties and dealings with, for over 50 yrs.!!!!!


These guys are taking away your freedom and liberties and you are WELCOMING it !!!!! They are running America into the ground under a designed plan that was set up back when Daddy Bush was in office. It is so sad to see the ignorance of the sheeple as they sit by idly and pay more attention to American Idol and Dancing with the Stars than they do the current events that are taking away EVERY vestige of freedom, one small piece at a time.

It was only a short 10 yrs. ago that you could show up at the airport alittle tipsy and jump on a plane as it was getting ready to leave the gate. I think you could still SMOKE on a plane then!! GOd forbid ANYONE even get out of line or question your ticket seating without the TSA gestopo questioning you, asking for identification and then handcuffing you and taking you to JAIL for being "out of line".

Unbelieveably, here in Gwinnett County, Ga., they police are putting people in jail for expired tags, not having your drivers license "on person", failure to maintain lane and a host of other bogus charges that are literally "ruining peoples live" while they fill the county coffers with tax and fine dollars. I had to speak to the police the other day and they were unaware this was happening !!!! RIGHT!!!!!

Think about a dictator, past or present, who has killed some of his own citizens, broken numerous laws, changed age old laws in his country, hindered any and all investigations by local or world organisations for his wrongdoing, has started wars with weaker, innocent countries, has been involved with atrocities against humanity that has been documented as well as being repremanded for their role, rallied the country together by false flag operations and has "blatantly" lied to the point of treason of his oath.
Who would you guess. Saddam, Hitler, Mugabe, Sharon, Castro.....?The list could go on down throughout history for a couple of pages but I will save you some time.

The only man that fits all of the above is George Bush. Either one of them. !!!

Think about it. Are ya MAD AS HELL YET? If you aren't, YOU are part of the PROBLEM! Just keep going to Starbucks and spitting out your idiotic diatribe about Obama, Hillary, etc..

They have you right where they want you.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jeff Rense Program

Jeff Rense Program

HolY Chit!!!

This is an obvious sign of a very MAJOR earthquake or volcano!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just like the frogs in China were going across a bridge!!!

Please wake up Amerika!!!!

You have been hoodwinked for a very long time.

Good luck to all,

rusty and sue

Friday, May 16, 2008

Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas, World - The Independent


If you cannot see between the lines of this idiotic presidents' brainwashed psychobabble, YOU are doomed to a life in HELL!!!!
This man is telling the WORLD that a voice in his head is "TELLING HIM TO "KILL INNOCENT men, women and children".......SO he can free them from "THEIR" present state of oppression !!!!!!

YOU freakin idiots!!!! HE is the one causing the oppression !!!

WE ....AMERIKA.....are now the laughing stock of the world and I am ASHAMED to be called an AMERICAN. I will move as quickly as possible.

For any of you dumbass patriots out there...I "used " to be a U.S. Marine. First time I ever said "used to"!!!
I am now ashamed of that old title as well.

Read the article below and tell me YOU are not brainwashed.

good luck with your lobotomy.


Oh yeah......P. Freakin S....I just saw the most blatant censorship on YAHOO I have ever seen. I read alot of news stories and it is worse than a Chinese, Nepalese, Taiwan censorship. Go to the Kevin Sites series on Yahoo and look for the Iraq stuff....NO longer available!!!! WOW... Bet ole Kev feels real good about risking his life so they could rewrite it the way THEY want!!! OH...DOH!!!!! this is Amerika we live in....they are doing for our best interest. hahahahah

Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas, World - The Independent

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

POLITICS-US: Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11

POLITICS-US: Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11

WOW!!!! Does this tell you what the plan was all along?



It is as if they morph into something other than what tehy started out. Take a country boy from the sticks and put him up there with access to "unlimited funds" (read tax dollars) and the "power" to get things done and it goes to their head!!!! They then forget about who and what they were going up there for in the first place!

It is time for us to have a RUN on the white house and the government and tar and feather every single one of these goons and get back to our roots. If we don't do it right NOW, we will be making history tomorrow as the "country that didn't make it".

good luck

Saturday, May 3, 2008


This is the BIG one. We are on the verge of WW3.

On Tuesday, May 6th, I believe you will see another 911 type event that is going to rock the foundation of our lifestyle.

All you have to do is read my past blogs to see what has led me to that conclusion.

A battleship is leaving Washington State on Tuesday, heading to San Diego to load up some additional war materials. I wouldn't doubt it if something "just mysteriously" happens to that ship and it will be blamed on "terrorists" and that will be the VERY false flag we need togo to war with IRAN.

The ONLY problem with this scenario is this.
1. It takes MONTHS to stock, supply and fuel a battleship.
2. You don't do the above unless you are already PREPARING to go to war.
3. You have already dedicated TROOPS to this cause.
4. The Pentagon has said we have NO IRANIAN WAR POLICY.

Read between the lines.
We are the sheeple and THEY are fleecing us like never before.

Get a good hold of your ass Amerika, you are about to have to shove your head in it further to avoid the truth.

good luck,


Friday, May 2, 2008

Out of Control Fraud

Out of Control Fraud

And this is why we are about to go bankrupt as a country.
The ONLY way to stop this rampant abuse is to stop paying the taxes to the government.
It is like giving the crack whore another $100 bill and saying, "Now don't you go spend that on drugs"!

WAKE UP before it's too........aaawwww shit, it is too late.

good luck

Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times

Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times

Here is the very first event in a long line of upcoming actions that are about to shake the very foundations of our lives. This next week will be a catastrophic week on the West coast, mostly around Seattle. I would be willing to bet that you will see some sort of terrorist act on/around/involving a military ship and that will be the trigger that jumps us into "the unplanned war" with Iran. As far as I can tell, Iran hasn't done anything wrong...except being "hostile" towards the U.S...but we are gonna bomb the shit out of them and kill abunch of innocent people in the name of ...ummm, democracy!, anti terror!...uummmm...oh yeah, OIL!!! Damn, I almost forgot what all this was about!

Wake up people. We need to take this country back from the 2 bit homies that are running it.