Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter: Christian or Pagan?

Here's one to make you think twice about coloring eggs.
The internet is such a wonderful thing. WE now have tons of infomation that we never had before or were just too biased or lazy to look into. We are now finding out that there are many things that are not quite what we have been led to believe.

I had no IDEA that the King James Bible that we all grew up with was actually commisioned (as in government) by a man that openly practised beastiality and had a tendancy for young boys. He, in fact, took out all the notes and translations from the margins that the previous Calvin Bibles had left in so that the little people could make their OWN interpretation. So we actually got something that was really tuned to the liking of King James. I, personally, am honored he would do that for us. ...hahahahaha.
Be careful what you read !!!!! The truth just might set you free.

Easter: Christian or Pagan?

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