Gotta makes you wonder........Dooohh!!
Don't do that at any cost.
Jeff Rense Program
This shot epitomizes my take on life. Some of us understand how important the "chance" of OTHER civilizations might be. We can only have world peace the day we are threatened from another civilization!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Obama's own Cabinet member: He's 'an immigrant'
This is a must see.
Send to everyone you know and then forward it to the Supreme court
Obama's own Cabinet member: He's 'an immigrant'
Send to everyone you know and then forward it to the Supreme court
Obama's own Cabinet member: He's 'an immigrant'
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Weather Blog
This is the EXACT thing the Chinese and Japanese see in their country right before a massive earthquake.
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Weather Blog
This is the EXACT thing the Chinese and Japanese see in their country right before a massive earthquake.
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog
Jeff Rense interviews Lindsey Williams - Google Video#
I don't care if you watch this video or not. It will certainly give you an idea of what is about to happen in this country but you are probably like the other 65% of the people in this country that just want to keep their head in the sand.
It is not my job to try and tell people what is right and wrong and it's not my job to save the world. I have noticed that usually, all you get is criticism for trying to open peoples eyes and at this stage of the game,...I really don't give a shit.
Jeff Rense interviews Lindsey Williams - Google Video#
It is not my job to try and tell people what is right and wrong and it's not my job to save the world. I have noticed that usually, all you get is criticism for trying to open peoples eyes and at this stage of the game,...I really don't give a shit.
Jeff Rense interviews Lindsey Williams - Google Video#
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christian Worldview Network - Brannon Howse - SWAT TEAM CONDUCTS FOOD RAID IN RURAL OHIO
THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Christian Worldview Network - Brannon Howse - SWAT TEAM CONDUCTS FOOD RAID IN RURAL OHIO
THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Christian Worldview Network - Brannon Howse - SWAT TEAM CONDUCTS FOOD RAID IN RURAL OHIO
Thursday, November 27, 2008
This is kinda interesting
I have seen many many religious and anti religious posts pop up around here lately... and I've always noticed that it degenerates down to "well you can't prove me wrong" and "Prove your theory" statements... It becomes blazingly apparent that the only way acceptable to a believer to refute their arguments, is to use the believers reference source: The Bible. Therefore, I will be setting forth a proof that the christian god cannot exist in the sense spoken of in the bible... first lets agree on some definitions... Omnipotent: All Powerful Omniscience: Universal or Complete knowledge. I will be using the New International Version for my scripture quotes... I also need to point out the fact that there are those who suggest the bible is to be taken literally... However, the new testament is written with the premise that the old testament is to be taken literally... Think of it this way... if Genesis was symbolic and not to be taken literally, Then Adam and Eve may be symbolic and original sin is out the window, meaning your entire religion is a sham... (Romans 5:19, "For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.") Here are my scripture readings to validate the points I will be making in my proof: Free Will: Galations 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. (Might be worthy to note at this point, that I discovered a contradiction in the bible while researching... see the galations 5 text above, and compare to Ephesians 1:11, "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will". Which appears to be stating we don't have free will, but are bound by the "grand scheme" that god has put together.) Omnipotence: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God. Omniscience Psalm 147:4-5 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. Taking these scriptures into account, consider the following statements: 1) If god is Omnipotent, can he make an object so heavy he cannot lift it himself? 2) Free will: If god is Omniscient, than he knows your future. If he knows your future, than it is already set in stone (if your future changed, god would cease to be omniscient). Therefore Free will cannot exist... Which can't be true, since the bible is the infallible word of god, and says we are created free. 3) If god is all knowing, and all powerful, and the creator of all... than he must know who is doomed to hell before they are born. Knowing who is destined for hell, how can he offer a free pass to heaven by believing in Jesus? Surely he knew what you would decide before you were given the option. Therefore, choosing to believe or not to believe is not your choice, but is predestined before you were born. Your ticket has already been written, so don't sweat it... right? 4) If god knows who is doomed to hell before their are born and allows them to be created anyway, than he is sentencing people to eternal damnation for sins never committed... If people are born without their futures etched in stone, than god cannot see the future. 5) If god is Omniscient, knowing what will happen in the future, than he can not use his omnipotence to change the outcome... As he is powerless to change the outcome of future events, he is not Omnipotent. The conclusion of comparing these scriptures, versus some objective thinking leads to a number of conclusions: 1) God, bound by his own omniscience is completely powerless to do anything but watch events unfold. 2) Since I've established taking parts of the bible figuratively unravles the entire religion itself, the bible is not the true word of god, as god is perfect. -or- 3) The Christian god can not exist the way he has been presented. None of these conclusions look good for believers. It pretty much establishes that Christianity is wrong. Don't feel left out quite yet mormons, jewish, muslim and hindus.... I hope to have enough time to take an objective look at your dogma and religious texts as well! [edit on 26-11-2008 by nj2day]
Monday, November 24, 2008
A citizen's right to resist UNLAWFUL arrest. (Court Rulings) | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Everyone needs this info in these troubled times. Memorize it and know your rights. It is time for a revolution and it is NOW !!!!
A citizen's right to resist UNLAWFUL arrest. (Court Rulings) Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
A citizen's right to resist UNLAWFUL arrest. (Court Rulings) Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Sunday, November 23, 2008
NIGGA PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you will send everyone you know here and let them see what barry soetoro is all about.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The New Order of the Barbarians
This is a very long article but well worth the read. As you near the end, it really gets into the details and you can actually see all this stuff going on in the world.
I'm not really sure if there is ANY action you can take to make yourself SAFE. They have figured out everything and get you coming or going.
good luck to all
The New Order of the Barbarians
I'm not really sure if there is ANY action you can take to make yourself SAFE. They have figured out everything and get you coming or going.
good luck to all
The New Order of the Barbarians
Monday, November 17, 2008
Just My Thoughts
by Rusty
I have had it!! Done!! Finished!! Over!!
What does it take for a species, such as ours, with all our newest technological advances in science, medicine, astronomy and humanity, to finally come full circle and realize we are never going to progress any further than we are right now, unless we come to grips with the one and only “standard” that holds its’ own thru every single civilization that has ever lived on this planet?
Why is it so hard for this wonderful species of ours to just take a deep breath and say, “Enough is Enough”, and succumb to the “one and only axiom” that has held sway from the very beginning?
How can we continue to watch, in horror, lives snuffed out in front of our eyes for unknown transgressions and how is it even possible that we can look, unconscionably, upon the daily killing of 1000's of lives that crossed an “imaginary” boundary that was laid down in the sand by unknowing, unfeeling, unintelligent beings that have only ONE agenda in mind?
Where are all those “tuff patriots”, that so endlessly spit out their meaningless diatribe on endless forums, telling us all how, “I think.....” and “I would do.....”, and acting as if they actually KNOW something about fighting for their freedom from an aspect other than their keyboard or game controller?
When do the ‘REAL AMERICANS’ stand up and say, “This is NOT what I put my life on the line for and THIS is NOT what I worked so hard for all my life, dammit! I will NOT let a bunch of impromptu politicians walk in and take away my very existence. Regardless of what everyone thinks, this is NOT a DEMOCRACY and I will not stand by and let the democratic majority take away my rights! I will do my “CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY” and my DUTY, not JOB, but DUTY, and I will stand up and OVERTHROW this government that has gotten out of control and is only in office for the single purpose of self preservation and personal profit”!
How can a man of widely unknown origins circumvent the system and end up running for President of the U.S., without having to answer to ANY of the many requests for his live birth records, college records, etc., while at the same time, I will go to jail, for 8 hours in my county, if I cannot provide proof of a drivers license “on my person”?. How is it this man is so well versed when on a teleprompter and can’t hold a tune with answering unrehearsed questions? Exactly, when did the United States let people “just running for office” go over to other countries (Israel) and dictate foreign policy? Since when, did a man that has not even made it through the Electoral College process, start dictating Executive Orders and picking his cabinet members?
I keep hearing the words “Unprecedented Times” over and over as people talk about today’s lifestyle and the “changes” this new President is going to bring. Well, I have news for all you folks that have not done your homework or have not read any news other than Yahoo and MSNBC.
YOU are about to experience the biggest change you have ever seen in your life.
I don’t care if you lived thru Katrina AND a tsunami AND a tornado. You are going to be so overwhelmed in 1 year you won’t even know what hit you. You don’t chop down a huge tree with one big chop. You cut it down with a bunch of little cuts. Most people cannot see the “little cuts” that have been occurring over the last 10-15 years. They were all so gradual that we never felt their effects until now. They are now culminating at such an exponential pace that it’s almost frightening. We are literally going to go to bed on a Friday night feeling a little trepidation and wake up on Monday morn saying, “WTF just happened”? It will be THAT quick.
It is wild to think that only a mere 15 years ago, the stock market started rising at such an incredible pace that you were a fool NOT to get into it. Every Monday morning, someone else was introduced that would tell us how “this market is different”. They would be an “expert” by that Friday, because the market went up just like they said. To make it look and sound good, they would throw in numbers and P/E ratios and a pretty chart of the projections that their “supersoftware” had made for them. Ahhhh, the days of trading AMZN and YHOO options everyday. Sometimes making 30k before 10:30 and celebrating at the golf course with martinis by 11:30. If a stock DIDN’T split every couple of months, something was wrong. It was considered a laggard!! Imagine telling someone back then that we would be seeing the banks getting bailed out and they would have had you committed! Everyone was a lush with their $20.00 cigars and their pearl inlaid cigar cutters and their $200.00 bottles of Pinot Noir at dinner.
Cars couldn’t get big enough to haul all our “stuff” around in. But then came a threat that was laughed at by some and dreaded by others. The threat of Y2K. What a wonderful time to be alive. The speculation that went on for that New Years’ was just shy of “Unprecedented”. Most of us remember where we were on that New Years’ cause we thought it might be our last.
We had just gotten over the hangover of that event, when all of a sudden...BAAAMMMM!..We have the WTC’s fiasco. I call this a fiasco because we have come to realize that it “most likely” wasn’t perpetrated by a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan. I think it is safe to say that 911 was easily the “beginning of the end”.
Now here we are on the cusp of the most volatile time in our countrys’ history and we can’t, or won’t, face the inevitable facts before us. Somehow though, this we must do. We have no other choice. We can bury our heads in the sand and pretend that there is nothing wrong, or we can stand up as one nation and say, “I want to hear the truth. I want to LIVE the TRUTH”!!!!
Why is it so hard for us to just present the truth? Mr. Obama...excuse me..Barrack, or Barry or whatever name you go by, We the people have the right for you to answer our questions “truthfully” and in full. For you to hide behind injunctions and delay tactics is probably a very noble thing to do in the corporate/legal/political world that YOU live in, but, guess what, THAT is NOT the world that the majority of people in the U.S.A. live in. Most of us don’t make it a common occurrence to lie and cover up everything we do. Some decent Americans are still of the belief that it is WRONG to lie about taxes and marriages and affairs and even their upbringing. We all know the values that you talked about on the campaign trail and we have already seen that those are NOT, in fact, what you are doing as of yet.
I approached a friend of mine and said, “We need to do something to help set this country back on the straight and narrow. Something that will get not only Washington’s attention, but something that will make every politician in the land remember that THEY work for US”.
We batted the idea around for awhile and came up with this. We call it “One Shot”. The name has a lot of different connotations involved but we will get to that later. On a particular date, at a particular time, an unknown number of law abiding citizens (500k plus) are going to show up in Washington, D.C. with our “legal” weapons, legal handguns, BB guns, Pellet Rifles and slingshots with metal pellets, and we are going to all get hotel/motel rooms within a 1 mile radius of the Whitehouse. At the predesignated time, we are all gonna take our weapons and aim them in the general vicinity of the Whitehouse and when the clock strikes, you are going to hear “The shot heard round the world”. Now I’m not sure where all that lead is going to come down, but I’m sure Dick Cheney could fill you in on that one since you don’t seem to like, or know much about weapons. Oopps!!! I almost forgot. Dick’s not too good with a weapon either.
Did you ever see those propaganda videos,that your cronies in Washington put out,showing Saddam Hussein shooting a pistol or machine gun into the air? How many people do you think he may have hurt because of his stupidity? Think about it.
After a couple of beers, my buddy said that my plan would never work. I asked him why he felt that way and he said the way America is these days, the idiots would close the whole city down for 2 weeks if they thought we were on the way! I have to wonder though, about the resolve of the REAL American in this scenario. I think they would actually show up in bigger numbers with bigger bullets. I heard Joe Biden adamantly saying there was going to be an “EVENT” on Jan. 20 or 21 that was going to test the resolve of Mr. Obamamama. I wonder if it involves slingshots?
Because of you and the forces that have manipulated the road that you came in on, it is not too hard to imagine that your name is going to go down in the history books in one way or another.
I, for one, think that it may not be the legacy that you would have preferred though. You are definitely going to be remembered and it will not be anything racial or hateful, but....
I am of the feeling, no, feeling is not a strong enough word...”premonition”...that sounds good...that the Holiday season of the end of 2008 will forever go down in history as.....
“BLACK CHRISTMAS”. In 50 years they will still talk about it just like the “CRASH of 29" and all the other historical events. And YOU will be able to take all the credit for it.
Make us proud Barry!
by Rusty
I have had it!! Done!! Finished!! Over!!
What does it take for a species, such as ours, with all our newest technological advances in science, medicine, astronomy and humanity, to finally come full circle and realize we are never going to progress any further than we are right now, unless we come to grips with the one and only “standard” that holds its’ own thru every single civilization that has ever lived on this planet?
Why is it so hard for this wonderful species of ours to just take a deep breath and say, “Enough is Enough”, and succumb to the “one and only axiom” that has held sway from the very beginning?
How can we continue to watch, in horror, lives snuffed out in front of our eyes for unknown transgressions and how is it even possible that we can look, unconscionably, upon the daily killing of 1000's of lives that crossed an “imaginary” boundary that was laid down in the sand by unknowing, unfeeling, unintelligent beings that have only ONE agenda in mind?
Where are all those “tuff patriots”, that so endlessly spit out their meaningless diatribe on endless forums, telling us all how, “I think.....” and “I would do.....”, and acting as if they actually KNOW something about fighting for their freedom from an aspect other than their keyboard or game controller?
When do the ‘REAL AMERICANS’ stand up and say, “This is NOT what I put my life on the line for and THIS is NOT what I worked so hard for all my life, dammit! I will NOT let a bunch of impromptu politicians walk in and take away my very existence. Regardless of what everyone thinks, this is NOT a DEMOCRACY and I will not stand by and let the democratic majority take away my rights! I will do my “CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY” and my DUTY, not JOB, but DUTY, and I will stand up and OVERTHROW this government that has gotten out of control and is only in office for the single purpose of self preservation and personal profit”!
How can a man of widely unknown origins circumvent the system and end up running for President of the U.S., without having to answer to ANY of the many requests for his live birth records, college records, etc., while at the same time, I will go to jail, for 8 hours in my county, if I cannot provide proof of a drivers license “on my person”?. How is it this man is so well versed when on a teleprompter and can’t hold a tune with answering unrehearsed questions? Exactly, when did the United States let people “just running for office” go over to other countries (Israel) and dictate foreign policy? Since when, did a man that has not even made it through the Electoral College process, start dictating Executive Orders and picking his cabinet members?
I keep hearing the words “Unprecedented Times” over and over as people talk about today’s lifestyle and the “changes” this new President is going to bring. Well, I have news for all you folks that have not done your homework or have not read any news other than Yahoo and MSNBC.
YOU are about to experience the biggest change you have ever seen in your life.
I don’t care if you lived thru Katrina AND a tsunami AND a tornado. You are going to be so overwhelmed in 1 year you won’t even know what hit you. You don’t chop down a huge tree with one big chop. You cut it down with a bunch of little cuts. Most people cannot see the “little cuts” that have been occurring over the last 10-15 years. They were all so gradual that we never felt their effects until now. They are now culminating at such an exponential pace that it’s almost frightening. We are literally going to go to bed on a Friday night feeling a little trepidation and wake up on Monday morn saying, “WTF just happened”? It will be THAT quick.
It is wild to think that only a mere 15 years ago, the stock market started rising at such an incredible pace that you were a fool NOT to get into it. Every Monday morning, someone else was introduced that would tell us how “this market is different”. They would be an “expert” by that Friday, because the market went up just like they said. To make it look and sound good, they would throw in numbers and P/E ratios and a pretty chart of the projections that their “supersoftware” had made for them. Ahhhh, the days of trading AMZN and YHOO options everyday. Sometimes making 30k before 10:30 and celebrating at the golf course with martinis by 11:30. If a stock DIDN’T split every couple of months, something was wrong. It was considered a laggard!! Imagine telling someone back then that we would be seeing the banks getting bailed out and they would have had you committed! Everyone was a lush with their $20.00 cigars and their pearl inlaid cigar cutters and their $200.00 bottles of Pinot Noir at dinner.
Cars couldn’t get big enough to haul all our “stuff” around in. But then came a threat that was laughed at by some and dreaded by others. The threat of Y2K. What a wonderful time to be alive. The speculation that went on for that New Years’ was just shy of “Unprecedented”. Most of us remember where we were on that New Years’ cause we thought it might be our last.
We had just gotten over the hangover of that event, when all of a sudden...BAAAMMMM!..We have the WTC’s fiasco. I call this a fiasco because we have come to realize that it “most likely” wasn’t perpetrated by a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan. I think it is safe to say that 911 was easily the “beginning of the end”.
Now here we are on the cusp of the most volatile time in our countrys’ history and we can’t, or won’t, face the inevitable facts before us. Somehow though, this we must do. We have no other choice. We can bury our heads in the sand and pretend that there is nothing wrong, or we can stand up as one nation and say, “I want to hear the truth. I want to LIVE the TRUTH”!!!!
Why is it so hard for us to just present the truth? Mr. Obama...excuse me..Barrack, or Barry or whatever name you go by, We the people have the right for you to answer our questions “truthfully” and in full. For you to hide behind injunctions and delay tactics is probably a very noble thing to do in the corporate/legal/political world that YOU live in, but, guess what, THAT is NOT the world that the majority of people in the U.S.A. live in. Most of us don’t make it a common occurrence to lie and cover up everything we do. Some decent Americans are still of the belief that it is WRONG to lie about taxes and marriages and affairs and even their upbringing. We all know the values that you talked about on the campaign trail and we have already seen that those are NOT, in fact, what you are doing as of yet.
I approached a friend of mine and said, “We need to do something to help set this country back on the straight and narrow. Something that will get not only Washington’s attention, but something that will make every politician in the land remember that THEY work for US”.
We batted the idea around for awhile and came up with this. We call it “One Shot”. The name has a lot of different connotations involved but we will get to that later. On a particular date, at a particular time, an unknown number of law abiding citizens (500k plus) are going to show up in Washington, D.C. with our “legal” weapons, legal handguns, BB guns, Pellet Rifles and slingshots with metal pellets, and we are going to all get hotel/motel rooms within a 1 mile radius of the Whitehouse. At the predesignated time, we are all gonna take our weapons and aim them in the general vicinity of the Whitehouse and when the clock strikes, you are going to hear “The shot heard round the world”. Now I’m not sure where all that lead is going to come down, but I’m sure Dick Cheney could fill you in on that one since you don’t seem to like, or know much about weapons. Oopps!!! I almost forgot. Dick’s not too good with a weapon either.
Did you ever see those propaganda videos,that your cronies in Washington put out,showing Saddam Hussein shooting a pistol or machine gun into the air? How many people do you think he may have hurt because of his stupidity? Think about it.
After a couple of beers, my buddy said that my plan would never work. I asked him why he felt that way and he said the way America is these days, the idiots would close the whole city down for 2 weeks if they thought we were on the way! I have to wonder though, about the resolve of the REAL American in this scenario. I think they would actually show up in bigger numbers with bigger bullets. I heard Joe Biden adamantly saying there was going to be an “EVENT” on Jan. 20 or 21 that was going to test the resolve of Mr. Obamamama. I wonder if it involves slingshots?
Because of you and the forces that have manipulated the road that you came in on, it is not too hard to imagine that your name is going to go down in the history books in one way or another.
I, for one, think that it may not be the legacy that you would have preferred though. You are definitely going to be remembered and it will not be anything racial or hateful, but....
I am of the feeling, no, feeling is not a strong enough word...”premonition”...that sounds good...that the Holiday season of the end of 2008 will forever go down in history as.....
“BLACK CHRISTMAS”. In 50 years they will still talk about it just like the “CRASH of 29" and all the other historical events. And YOU will be able to take all the credit for it.
Make us proud Barry!
Friday, November 14, 2008
How much truth can you handle? | Ron Paul Wins! | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
This is for Brother Bill of the Wanaceedalite Reformation Church over in Athens, Ga.
More to come!!! Will be blogging all day. Looks like something REALLY BIG is brewing in this neck of the woods.
How much truth can you handle? Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
More to come!!! Will be blogging all day. Looks like something REALLY BIG is brewing in this neck of the woods.
How much truth can you handle? Ron Paul Wins! Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
The question still reamins...WHY won't OBAMA just turn over his records?
If I am stopped on I-75 and the cop wants to see my Drivers License, I had better show it to him or I go to jail for 8 hours...yet this guy can run for president and NOT show paperwork??? ...DDOOOHHH!!!!
Here it is for your examination.
If I am stopped on I-75 and the cop wants to see my Drivers License, I had better show it to him or I go to jail for 8 hours...yet this guy can run for president and NOT show paperwork??? ...DDOOOHHH!!!!
Here it is for your examination.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
OH WHAT A NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, another Reunion is in the books and all I can say is:
No Rapes.
No Robberies.
No Arrests.
That spells SUCCESS in my book!!!!! hahahah
That was truly one of the best times I have had in a long time.
To all the women I talked to, you have all aged like fine wine. You all truly do get
better with age and I can't wait to get to the next one in 2018.
As the years go by and we lose more and more of our classmates, we might want to take a
look at having a reunion where we have 2 or 3 classes mingled together. That might be fun having a 1977, 1978, 1979 "classes" reunion.
I know some out there might not get too excited about that idea, but I look at life like a big old party and the more the merrier.
I would like to thank Mark Thornton and his beautiful wife Amanda and Penny Vickery (and all the others) for putting all that together. I have some ideas for the next one that I think might enhance the experience. Think orgy!!!! hahahaha
Great to see everyone. Be safe and get tested for STD's if you got anywhere near Lawrence Tow.
No Rapes.
No Robberies.
No Arrests.
That spells SUCCESS in my book!!!!! hahahah
That was truly one of the best times I have had in a long time.
To all the women I talked to, you have all aged like fine wine. You all truly do get
better with age and I can't wait to get to the next one in 2018.
As the years go by and we lose more and more of our classmates, we might want to take a
look at having a reunion where we have 2 or 3 classes mingled together. That might be fun having a 1977, 1978, 1979 "classes" reunion.
I know some out there might not get too excited about that idea, but I look at life like a big old party and the more the merrier.
I would like to thank Mark Thornton and his beautiful wife Amanda and Penny Vickery (and all the others) for putting all that together. I have some ideas for the next one that I think might enhance the experience. Think orgy!!!! hahahaha
Great to see everyone. Be safe and get tested for STD's if you got anywhere near Lawrence Tow.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders - Friends of Liberty (undated) 3sep04
This is enough to make your skin crawl. The German citizens didn't know what was going on in their woods and backyards until it was too late.
We now have the same blackboots and brownshirt troops here in the U.S.A. They wear badges and call themself....Local Law Enforcement. They have gotten to the point that they are beating our returning war vets at protests and marches. Time to put a stop to this.
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders - Friends of Liberty (undated) 3sep04
We now have the same blackboots and brownshirt troops here in the U.S.A. They wear badges and call themself....Local Law Enforcement. They have gotten to the point that they are beating our returning war vets at protests and marches. Time to put a stop to this.
FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders - Friends of Liberty (undated) 3sep04
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Reality Sandwich | Money and the Crisis of Civilization
Here is a very good detailed analogy of just what happened to our currency and monetary system.
Reality Sandwich Money and the Crisis of Civilization
Reality Sandwich Money and the Crisis of Civilization
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Berg Outraged: Obama & DNC file motion to delay discovery until after defendants motion to dismiss is decided
I'm not really sure about the rest of America, but as for me, I will do everything I can to help others see the truth!
Everything this man, Obama says, is now null and void. He was NOT born in the U.S.A. and therefore CANNOT be President.
End of Story.
Berg Outraged: Obama & DNC file motion to delay discovery until after defendants motion to dismiss is decided
Everything this man, Obama says, is now null and void. He was NOT born in the U.S.A. and therefore CANNOT be President.
End of Story.
Berg Outraged: Obama & DNC file motion to delay discovery until after defendants motion to dismiss is decided
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Are You Enjoying the Fake Olympics?
Maybe, just maybe, all you sheeple don't know quite as much as you think.
You can sit around with your friends spitting out all your bullshit diatribe and saying, "WELL, I..II..think THEY ought to ...blah ..blah..blah. Pick a subject.
First off, THEY don't care what YOU think. Never have. Never will. It is quite the same as being polite to someone in a restaurant. When you walk out, you are saying (under your breath), "What an asshole that guy was with his kid screaming and blah blah blah".
THEY are doing the same thing. Say all you want and THEY will act as if they are listening to you and taking your view into consideration, only to laugh at you when you are out of earshot range.
Politics, Hollywood, government (local and other), religion, you name it.
Wake the hell up.
Are You Enjoying the Fake Olympics?
You can sit around with your friends spitting out all your bullshit diatribe and saying, "WELL, I..II..think THEY ought to ...blah ..blah..blah. Pick a subject.
First off, THEY don't care what YOU think. Never have. Never will. It is quite the same as being polite to someone in a restaurant. When you walk out, you are saying (under your breath), "What an asshole that guy was with his kid screaming and blah blah blah".
THEY are doing the same thing. Say all you want and THEY will act as if they are listening to you and taking your view into consideration, only to laugh at you when you are out of earshot range.
Politics, Hollywood, government (local and other), religion, you name it.
Wake the hell up.
Are You Enjoying the Fake Olympics?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany
We all need to take a moment to honor the men on these pages. They were responsible for alot of the technology we use today and even helped un, as a nation, get to the moon. They are directly responsible for much of the germ warfare we have today and som eof them have even gone on to have illustrious careers at such agencies as NASA and the CIA.
We musn't forget to thank the Bush family for being part of this operation that has helped our country be what it is today.
Oooooooppppsssss!!!! I forgot to tell you that they were all Nazi's and war criminals!!!
Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany
We musn't forget to thank the Bush family for being part of this operation that has helped our country be what it is today.
Oooooooppppsssss!!!! I forgot to tell you that they were all Nazi's and war criminals!!!
Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Paper Sold To Pools Of Liquidity - The International Forecaster
If you want to look into the future...Here is your chance.
You can make alot of money from this article.
Paper Sold To Pools Of Liquidity - The International Forecaster
You can make alot of money from this article.
Paper Sold To Pools Of Liquidity - The International Forecaster
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Results of US Invasion of Iraq (Iran Press Service)
It is scary to know we have such an idiot for a President. I suppose that just goes to show that he is nothing more than a reflection of the people that voted him into office.
Results of US Invasion of Iraq (Iran Press Service)
Results of US Invasion of Iraq (Iran Press Service)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan | Video |
Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan Video
If the US big boys stop us from using this technology, we are all screwed!!!
If the US big boys stop us from using this technology, we are all screwed!!!
Derry Brownfield -- Silver, Gold and the IRS
Derry Brownfield -- Silver, Gold and the IRS
Here is an insightful article that shows what the TRUTH does. Unbelieveably, the IRS still intimidates the public into believing they are "liable" for taxes on their income. This has never been true and it is not true now...and the IRS still bullies people into paying taxes.
Still think you live in a free country?
Here is an insightful article that shows what the TRUTH does. Unbelieveably, the IRS still intimidates the public into believing they are "liable" for taxes on their income. This has never been true and it is not true now...and the IRS still bullies people into paying taxes.
Still think you live in a free country?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment -
Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment -
Here we go.
Americans with no need for political power standing up for what's RIGHT !
When ?
It is time to run the Bush's and the rest of their gypsy clan out of town . We need to tar and feather them first.
And I thought the Clintons were trash in the White house. Bush takes the cake....and all the money!!!
Here we go.
Americans with no need for political power standing up for what's RIGHT !
When ?
It is time to run the Bush's and the rest of their gypsy clan out of town . We need to tar and feather them first.
And I thought the Clintons were trash in the White house. Bush takes the cake....and all the money!!!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Jeff Rense Program
Jeff Rense Program
Here is a little something for all you folks that have been reluctant to get a Bluetooth!!!
I don't think this was faked and I might have to get some friends over to try it, but I wouldn't be suprised if the cell phones, microwaves, cell towerd, HAARP, sonar, radar, laser/taser/maser beams are all suspect!!!!
Here is a little something for all you folks that have been reluctant to get a Bluetooth!!!
I don't think this was faked and I might have to get some friends over to try it, but I wouldn't be suprised if the cell phones, microwaves, cell towerd, HAARP, sonar, radar, laser/taser/maser beams are all suspect!!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Faces of Truth vs. Faces of Liars
Faces of Truth vs. Faces of Liars
WoW !!!!!!!!
Could this be anymore revealing?
Do you know all about the TRUE signs of someone that is lying or not?
When you find out the basic premise of people and their agenda, you will be able to see the truth.
This guy deserves a medal for posting this!!!
WoW !!!!!!!!
Could this be anymore revealing?
Do you know all about the TRUE signs of someone that is lying or not?
When you find out the basic premise of people and their agenda, you will be able to see the truth.
This guy deserves a medal for posting this!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
George Bush: the great pretender - Times Online
I freakin told ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
This guy is the biggest buffoon that was ever made. He is a waste of DNA and it is his daddy that got all this done and GW in the white house.
All you stupid christians with your W sticker in the back window of your car are gonna be the first ones shot when the revolutiuon begins.
Imagine all the idiots that walked around with Mussolini signs years ago. They had to hide to keep from being killed.
George Bush: the great pretender - Times Online
This guy is the biggest buffoon that was ever made. He is a waste of DNA and it is his daddy that got all this done and GW in the white house.
All you stupid christians with your W sticker in the back window of your car are gonna be the first ones shot when the revolutiuon begins.
Imagine all the idiots that walked around with Mussolini signs years ago. They had to hide to keep from being killed.
George Bush: the great pretender - Times Online
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Dawn Of American And World Freedom Is Close
The Dawn Of American And World Freedom Is Close
It sure is refreshing reading an article that is not all about gloom and doom. Let's get the war monger Bush Family out of politics once and for all. Then the Kennedy's and the rest can go too.
Let's stop this madness before we "break it beyond repair".
It sure is refreshing reading an article that is not all about gloom and doom. Let's get the war monger Bush Family out of politics once and for all. Then the Kennedy's and the rest can go too.
Let's stop this madness before we "break it beyond repair".
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Govt Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks
Govt Insider: Bush Authorized 9/11 Attacks
Here is another example of just exactly how the Bush machine works. I don't care if we found life on ANOTHER planet, Bush and family would convince the American people we need to allocate 80 trillion dollars to go to that planet and bomb the hell out of these "aliens" so we can bring them into the throes of DEMOCRACY!!!!
We have a lunatic running this country and people are starting to see the Emperor has no clothes on and he is in fact a "monkey" in a suit. What a blathering idiot this man is.
We are told all our lives that you should never "TAKE the Law into your own hands"
Well lemme tell you something. There are alot of Americans that are getting ready to take this country back from all these out of control politicians.
PLEASE read my earlier blogs as well and learn just who this Family is that has been bleeding this country dry as they promote their war machine. This is only done to fill the coffers of their Corporations and family run businesses.
Here is another example of just exactly how the Bush machine works. I don't care if we found life on ANOTHER planet, Bush and family would convince the American people we need to allocate 80 trillion dollars to go to that planet and bomb the hell out of these "aliens" so we can bring them into the throes of DEMOCRACY!!!!
We have a lunatic running this country and people are starting to see the Emperor has no clothes on and he is in fact a "monkey" in a suit. What a blathering idiot this man is.
We are told all our lives that you should never "TAKE the Law into your own hands"
Well lemme tell you something. There are alot of Americans that are getting ready to take this country back from all these out of control politicians.
PLEASE read my earlier blogs as well and learn just who this Family is that has been bleeding this country dry as they promote their war machine. This is only done to fill the coffers of their Corporations and family run businesses.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Idaho Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president
Idaho Observer: Deathbed confessions, photos support claims that George H. Scherf(f), Jr., was the 41st U.S. president
This is the most interesting hour of reading I have ever done. If you would like to finally connect the dots and see what is being done to the USA by the Bush family, then read this article in it's entirety and then read it again.
It is jaw dropping to see all the "consistencies" of the Bush war machine and how they have been going on way before anyone reading this was even born.
If you haven't noticed that we are now in a world of shit in regard to the economy, food, gas and oil and housing markets, then read this and it will REALLY scare the shit out of you.
Everytime you see a picture of the good ole BUSH family vacationing at Kennebunkport, will understand how they got there, how they acquired it and what they are there for....then you will probably start crying or piss in your pants, because it will strike you that ALL this article talks about, is TRUE.
The Bush family has a long standing plan to take down America. They are succeeding stupendously and they don't really give a shit what YOU think. As a matter of fact, write your congressman, vote someone else into office, call a senator, protest at the Whitehouse.....hahahahaha...they have all of us eating shit out of their hands and we are asking for more!!!!!
Many will not make it thru this next crisis the Bush family has planned for us. Just ask some of children of dead soldiers if it is worth it. Just ask family members of those that jumped out of WTC windows on national television, if it is worth it.
Have a very blessed and cheerful Memorial Day weekend. The Bush family is "counting" on you to help keep the aggrandizement of war going on ,even into YOUR grandchildrens' lifetime.
Please wake up from your horrible dream. We need to chop down some very big trees in the forest so we can let some sun shine in. Just remember, we peons have nothing to lose...but "The bigger THEY are, the harder THEY fall".
This is the most interesting hour of reading I have ever done. If you would like to finally connect the dots and see what is being done to the USA by the Bush family, then read this article in it's entirety and then read it again.
It is jaw dropping to see all the "consistencies" of the Bush war machine and how they have been going on way before anyone reading this was even born.
If you haven't noticed that we are now in a world of shit in regard to the economy, food, gas and oil and housing markets, then read this and it will REALLY scare the shit out of you.
Everytime you see a picture of the good ole BUSH family vacationing at Kennebunkport, will understand how they got there, how they acquired it and what they are there for....then you will probably start crying or piss in your pants, because it will strike you that ALL this article talks about, is TRUE.
The Bush family has a long standing plan to take down America. They are succeeding stupendously and they don't really give a shit what YOU think. As a matter of fact, write your congressman, vote someone else into office, call a senator, protest at the Whitehouse.....hahahahaha...they have all of us eating shit out of their hands and we are asking for more!!!!!
Many will not make it thru this next crisis the Bush family has planned for us. Just ask some of children of dead soldiers if it is worth it. Just ask family members of those that jumped out of WTC windows on national television, if it is worth it.
Have a very blessed and cheerful Memorial Day weekend. The Bush family is "counting" on you to help keep the aggrandizement of war going on ,even into YOUR grandchildrens' lifetime.
Please wake up from your horrible dream. We need to chop down some very big trees in the forest so we can let some sun shine in. Just remember, we peons have nothing to lose...but "The bigger THEY are, the harder THEY fall".
Are US Republicans Sane? - Pravda.Ru
Are US Republicans Sane? - Pravda.Ru
Here is a PERFECT example of what others see going on in the USA. It is rather enlightening to see things from the less western brainwashed ideology.
If you have not seen how totally insane George Bush and company are, go and read my earlier posts.
It is amazing that the VERY families and countries that the Bush Administration is going after, are the SAME families and countries that the Bush administration has had long standing business ties and dealings with, for over 50 yrs.!!!!!
These guys are taking away your freedom and liberties and you are WELCOMING it !!!!! They are running America into the ground under a designed plan that was set up back when Daddy Bush was in office. It is so sad to see the ignorance of the sheeple as they sit by idly and pay more attention to American Idol and Dancing with the Stars than they do the current events that are taking away EVERY vestige of freedom, one small piece at a time.
It was only a short 10 yrs. ago that you could show up at the airport alittle tipsy and jump on a plane as it was getting ready to leave the gate. I think you could still SMOKE on a plane then!! GOd forbid ANYONE even get out of line or question your ticket seating without the TSA gestopo questioning you, asking for identification and then handcuffing you and taking you to JAIL for being "out of line".
Unbelieveably, here in Gwinnett County, Ga., they police are putting people in jail for expired tags, not having your drivers license "on person", failure to maintain lane and a host of other bogus charges that are literally "ruining peoples live" while they fill the county coffers with tax and fine dollars. I had to speak to the police the other day and they were unaware this was happening !!!! RIGHT!!!!!
Think about a dictator, past or present, who has killed some of his own citizens, broken numerous laws, changed age old laws in his country, hindered any and all investigations by local or world organisations for his wrongdoing, has started wars with weaker, innocent countries, has been involved with atrocities against humanity that has been documented as well as being repremanded for their role, rallied the country together by false flag operations and has "blatantly" lied to the point of treason of his oath.
Who would you guess. Saddam, Hitler, Mugabe, Sharon, Castro.....?The list could go on down throughout history for a couple of pages but I will save you some time.
The only man that fits all of the above is George Bush. Either one of them. !!!
Think about it. Are ya MAD AS HELL YET? If you aren't, YOU are part of the PROBLEM! Just keep going to Starbucks and spitting out your idiotic diatribe about Obama, Hillary, etc..
They have you right where they want you.
Here is a PERFECT example of what others see going on in the USA. It is rather enlightening to see things from the less western brainwashed ideology.
If you have not seen how totally insane George Bush and company are, go and read my earlier posts.
It is amazing that the VERY families and countries that the Bush Administration is going after, are the SAME families and countries that the Bush administration has had long standing business ties and dealings with, for over 50 yrs.!!!!!
These guys are taking away your freedom and liberties and you are WELCOMING it !!!!! They are running America into the ground under a designed plan that was set up back when Daddy Bush was in office. It is so sad to see the ignorance of the sheeple as they sit by idly and pay more attention to American Idol and Dancing with the Stars than they do the current events that are taking away EVERY vestige of freedom, one small piece at a time.
It was only a short 10 yrs. ago that you could show up at the airport alittle tipsy and jump on a plane as it was getting ready to leave the gate. I think you could still SMOKE on a plane then!! GOd forbid ANYONE even get out of line or question your ticket seating without the TSA gestopo questioning you, asking for identification and then handcuffing you and taking you to JAIL for being "out of line".
Unbelieveably, here in Gwinnett County, Ga., they police are putting people in jail for expired tags, not having your drivers license "on person", failure to maintain lane and a host of other bogus charges that are literally "ruining peoples live" while they fill the county coffers with tax and fine dollars. I had to speak to the police the other day and they were unaware this was happening !!!! RIGHT!!!!!
Think about a dictator, past or present, who has killed some of his own citizens, broken numerous laws, changed age old laws in his country, hindered any and all investigations by local or world organisations for his wrongdoing, has started wars with weaker, innocent countries, has been involved with atrocities against humanity that has been documented as well as being repremanded for their role, rallied the country together by false flag operations and has "blatantly" lied to the point of treason of his oath.
Who would you guess. Saddam, Hitler, Mugabe, Sharon, Castro.....?The list could go on down throughout history for a couple of pages but I will save you some time.
The only man that fits all of the above is George Bush. Either one of them. !!!
Think about it. Are ya MAD AS HELL YET? If you aren't, YOU are part of the PROBLEM! Just keep going to Starbucks and spitting out your idiotic diatribe about Obama, Hillary, etc..
They have you right where they want you.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Jeff Rense Program
Jeff Rense Program
HolY Chit!!!
This is an obvious sign of a very MAJOR earthquake or volcano!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like the frogs in China were going across a bridge!!!
Please wake up Amerika!!!!
You have been hoodwinked for a very long time.
Good luck to all,
rusty and sue
HolY Chit!!!
This is an obvious sign of a very MAJOR earthquake or volcano!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just like the frogs in China were going across a bridge!!!
Please wake up Amerika!!!!
You have been hoodwinked for a very long time.
Good luck to all,
rusty and sue
Friday, May 16, 2008
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas, World - The Independent
If you cannot see between the lines of this idiotic presidents' brainwashed psychobabble, YOU are doomed to a life in HELL!!!!
This man is telling the WORLD that a voice in his head is "TELLING HIM TO "KILL INNOCENT men, women and children".......SO he can free them from "THEIR" present state of oppression !!!!!!
YOU freakin idiots!!!! HE is the one causing the oppression !!!
WE ....AMERIKA.....are now the laughing stock of the world and I am ASHAMED to be called an AMERICAN. I will move as quickly as possible.
For any of you dumbass patriots out there...I "used " to be a U.S. Marine. First time I ever said "used to"!!!
I am now ashamed of that old title as well.
Read the article below and tell me YOU are not brainwashed.
good luck with your lobotomy.
Oh yeah......P. Freakin S....I just saw the most blatant censorship on YAHOO I have ever seen. I read alot of news stories and it is worse than a Chinese, Nepalese, Taiwan censorship. Go to the Kevin Sites series on Yahoo and look for the Iraq stuff....NO longer available!!!! WOW... Bet ole Kev feels real good about risking his life so they could rewrite it the way THEY want!!! OH...DOH!!!!! this is Amerika we live in....they are doing for our best interest. hahahahah
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas, World - The Independent
If you cannot see between the lines of this idiotic presidents' brainwashed psychobabble, YOU are doomed to a life in HELL!!!!
This man is telling the WORLD that a voice in his head is "TELLING HIM TO "KILL INNOCENT men, women and children".......SO he can free them from "THEIR" present state of oppression !!!!!!
YOU freakin idiots!!!! HE is the one causing the oppression !!!
WE ....AMERIKA.....are now the laughing stock of the world and I am ASHAMED to be called an AMERICAN. I will move as quickly as possible.
For any of you dumbass patriots out there...I "used " to be a U.S. Marine. First time I ever said "used to"!!!
I am now ashamed of that old title as well.
Read the article below and tell me YOU are not brainwashed.
good luck with your lobotomy.
Oh yeah......P. Freakin S....I just saw the most blatant censorship on YAHOO I have ever seen. I read alot of news stories and it is worse than a Chinese, Nepalese, Taiwan censorship. Go to the Kevin Sites series on Yahoo and look for the Iraq stuff....NO longer available!!!! WOW... Bet ole Kev feels real good about risking his life so they could rewrite it the way THEY want!!! OH...DOH!!!!! this is Amerika we live in....they are doing for our best interest. hahahahah
Bush: God told me to invade Iraq - Americas, World - The Independent
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
POLITICS-US: Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11
POLITICS-US: Pentagon Targeted Iran for Regime Change after 9/11
WOW!!!! Does this tell you what the plan was all along?
It is as if they morph into something other than what tehy started out. Take a country boy from the sticks and put him up there with access to "unlimited funds" (read tax dollars) and the "power" to get things done and it goes to their head!!!! They then forget about who and what they were going up there for in the first place!
It is time for us to have a RUN on the white house and the government and tar and feather every single one of these goons and get back to our roots. If we don't do it right NOW, we will be making history tomorrow as the "country that didn't make it".
good luck
WOW!!!! Does this tell you what the plan was all along?
It is as if they morph into something other than what tehy started out. Take a country boy from the sticks and put him up there with access to "unlimited funds" (read tax dollars) and the "power" to get things done and it goes to their head!!!! They then forget about who and what they were going up there for in the first place!
It is time for us to have a RUN on the white house and the government and tar and feather every single one of these goons and get back to our roots. If we don't do it right NOW, we will be making history tomorrow as the "country that didn't make it".
good luck
Saturday, May 3, 2008
This is the BIG one. We are on the verge of WW3.
On Tuesday, May 6th, I believe you will see another 911 type event that is going to rock the foundation of our lifestyle.
All you have to do is read my past blogs to see what has led me to that conclusion.
A battleship is leaving Washington State on Tuesday, heading to San Diego to load up some additional war materials. I wouldn't doubt it if something "just mysteriously" happens to that ship and it will be blamed on "terrorists" and that will be the VERY false flag we need togo to war with IRAN.
The ONLY problem with this scenario is this.
1. It takes MONTHS to stock, supply and fuel a battleship.
2. You don't do the above unless you are already PREPARING to go to war.
3. You have already dedicated TROOPS to this cause.
4. The Pentagon has said we have NO IRANIAN WAR POLICY.
Read between the lines.
We are the sheeple and THEY are fleecing us like never before.
Get a good hold of your ass Amerika, you are about to have to shove your head in it further to avoid the truth.
good luck,
On Tuesday, May 6th, I believe you will see another 911 type event that is going to rock the foundation of our lifestyle.
All you have to do is read my past blogs to see what has led me to that conclusion.
A battleship is leaving Washington State on Tuesday, heading to San Diego to load up some additional war materials. I wouldn't doubt it if something "just mysteriously" happens to that ship and it will be blamed on "terrorists" and that will be the VERY false flag we need togo to war with IRAN.
The ONLY problem with this scenario is this.
1. It takes MONTHS to stock, supply and fuel a battleship.
2. You don't do the above unless you are already PREPARING to go to war.
3. You have already dedicated TROOPS to this cause.
4. The Pentagon has said we have NO IRANIAN WAR POLICY.
Read between the lines.
We are the sheeple and THEY are fleecing us like never before.
Get a good hold of your ass Amerika, you are about to have to shove your head in it further to avoid the truth.
good luck,
Friday, May 2, 2008
Out of Control Fraud
Out of Control Fraud
And this is why we are about to go bankrupt as a country.
The ONLY way to stop this rampant abuse is to stop paying the taxes to the government.
It is like giving the crack whore another $100 bill and saying, "Now don't you go spend that on drugs"!
WAKE UP before it's too........aaawwww shit, it is too late.
good luck
And this is why we are about to go bankrupt as a country.
The ONLY way to stop this rampant abuse is to stop paying the taxes to the government.
It is like giving the crack whore another $100 bill and saying, "Now don't you go spend that on drugs"!
WAKE UP before it's too........aaawwww shit, it is too late.
good luck
Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times
Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times
Here is the very first event in a long line of upcoming actions that are about to shake the very foundations of our lives. This next week will be a catastrophic week on the West coast, mostly around Seattle. I would be willing to bet that you will see some sort of terrorist act on/around/involving a military ship and that will be the trigger that jumps us into "the unplanned war" with Iran. As far as I can tell, Iran hasn't done anything wrong...except being "hostile" towards the U.S...but we are gonna bomb the shit out of them and kill abunch of innocent people in the name of ...ummm, democracy!, anti terror!...uummmm...oh yeah, OIL!!! Damn, I almost forgot what all this was about!
Wake up people. We need to take this country back from the 2 bit homies that are running it.
Here is the very first event in a long line of upcoming actions that are about to shake the very foundations of our lives. This next week will be a catastrophic week on the West coast, mostly around Seattle. I would be willing to bet that you will see some sort of terrorist act on/around/involving a military ship and that will be the trigger that jumps us into "the unplanned war" with Iran. As far as I can tell, Iran hasn't done anything wrong...except being "hostile" towards the U.S...but we are gonna bomb the shit out of them and kill abunch of innocent people in the name of ...ummm, democracy!, anti terror!...uummmm...oh yeah, OIL!!! Damn, I almost forgot what all this was about!
Wake up people. We need to take this country back from the 2 bit homies that are running it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
alJazeera Magazine - ‘Blood diamonds’, ‘blood oil’ and ‘blood food’
alJazeera Magazine - ‘Blood diamonds’, ‘blood oil’ and ‘blood food’
What A Fantastic Article. Gives you a whole neew perspective on life.
What A Fantastic Article. Gives you a whole neew perspective on life.
Monday, April 28, 2008
'Anti-Terror' Drills Could Go Live
Why don't they ever have these drills on the border?
Who, in their right mind, would EVER attack SEATLLE before they would attack Los Angeles?
We have a bunch of "false flags" going on right now....Mortgage and Foreclosure Debacle, The Government Manipilation of EVERY market in the free world....The Coming FOOD Crisis....The Rice Shortages........THE FUEL..Crude...Gas...OIL....Propane...WD40...Vaseline...Shortage... And the BIGGEST one of ALL----The WORLD BANK commenting on the world food crisis. (They are the ones that instigated it.)
This is ALL just a DIVERSION so no one person will see what is really happening, RIGHT IN FRONT OF their own eyes.
Please read this article and then ..PLEASE.. call Me a Conspiracy theorist.
'Anti-Terror' Drills Could Go Live
Who, in their right mind, would EVER attack SEATLLE before they would attack Los Angeles?
We have a bunch of "false flags" going on right now....Mortgage and Foreclosure Debacle, The Government Manipilation of EVERY market in the free world....The Coming FOOD Crisis....The Rice Shortages........THE FUEL..Crude...Gas...OIL....Propane...WD40...Vaseline...Shortage... And the BIGGEST one of ALL----The WORLD BANK commenting on the world food crisis. (They are the ones that instigated it.)
This is ALL just a DIVERSION so no one person will see what is really happening, RIGHT IN FRONT OF their own eyes.
Please read this article and then ..PLEASE.. call Me a Conspiracy theorist.
'Anti-Terror' Drills Could Go Live
Lindsey Williams - Google Video
IF you do not read between the lines of all the main stream media you see, you are going to be lead to slaughter like the sheeple "THEY" want you to be.
PLEASE take some sort of action now.
good luck to all.
Lindsey Williams - Google Video
IF you do not read between the lines of all the main stream media you see, you are going to be lead to slaughter like the sheeple "THEY" want you to be.
PLEASE take some sort of action now.
good luck to all.
Lindsey Williams - Google Video
Friday, April 25, 2008
Border agents to use paintball guns to fend off attackers | LOCAL NEWS | Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family
I am TERRIBLY sorry for the profanity but this takes the cake. I know our wonderful Democratic, constitutional government is not very serious about dealing with the border problem. HHMMM.. NYC cops are given machine guns to protect the subways and the #$#$%^# border patrols are given paintball guns!!!
Do ya see something wrong with THIS picture?????
Border agents to use paintball guns to fend off attackers LOCAL NEWS Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family
Do ya see something wrong with THIS picture?????
Border agents to use paintball guns to fend off attackers LOCAL NEWS Local Breaking News from AZFAMILY.COM & KTVK 3TV - Arizona's Family
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Yahoo! Bookmarks
Here is the first installment of what I see as the "path" to seeing the truth.
These are SOME of the places that will show you wtf is going on.
Yahoo! Bookmarks
Here is the first installment of what I see as the "path" to seeing the truth.
These are SOME of the places that will show you wtf is going on.
Yahoo! Bookmarks
O.K.!!!! Now I am SCARED !!!!!!!!!!!!
This isn't going to be the complete post I wanted to have when I started because I haven't gotten all my links down in the order I want to have them yet.
I am goiong to give you, the reader, the most important piece of info you will ever have. I am going to give you a walk through of the websites and articles I have seen ...the ones that had made me come to this cataclysmic decision I have made.
Some of you that know me, understand that I am not a pessimist by any means. I rather think of myself as quite optimistic and positive and funny. All that has taken a backseat to what I am about to reveal.
I have never been more blown away, intriqued, fascinated, awed and saddened all at the same time.
I would highly recommend that you enjoy every single moment of your existence over the next year or so. It is going to get pretty wild. Some will not make it. Others are going to be in for the shock of their lives. Some will make it through largely unscathed. I hope you are one of those that make it. It is, literally, out of our a degree.
Let me get things in order and be prepared for the next post.
good luck and seeya,
I am goiong to give you, the reader, the most important piece of info you will ever have. I am going to give you a walk through of the websites and articles I have seen ...the ones that had made me come to this cataclysmic decision I have made.
Some of you that know me, understand that I am not a pessimist by any means. I rather think of myself as quite optimistic and positive and funny. All that has taken a backseat to what I am about to reveal.
I have never been more blown away, intriqued, fascinated, awed and saddened all at the same time.
I would highly recommend that you enjoy every single moment of your existence over the next year or so. It is going to get pretty wild. Some will not make it. Others are going to be in for the shock of their lives. Some will make it through largely unscathed. I hope you are one of those that make it. It is, literally, out of our a degree.
Let me get things in order and be prepared for the next post.
good luck and seeya,
Sunday, April 20, 2008
AAA .. Look further into post to see what the 3 a's are.
I am going to put a post on here Tuesday that will shut my service down. You will not believe what I have found.
I was at a fortunate place at an "unfortunate "time and it will come back at some point.
I am gonna blow the socks off of some stuff in a day or 2.
Seeya, RUsty
I was at a fortunate place at an "unfortunate "time and it will come back at some point.
I am gonna blow the socks off of some stuff in a day or 2.
Seeya, RUsty
Thursday, April 10, 2008
If you didn't get here from Youtube, you need to go watch this.
I am about to reveal some stuff that the main stream media won't even touch.
Grab the pants you have on because I am about to yank em down.
Tired of being lied to and confused?
I am in the process of making a 30 minute video right now. It WILL take alot of time.
Stay tuned....
Nice...Amerikkkkka, land of the credit freeze, home of the slave...
I am about to reveal some stuff that the main stream media won't even touch.
Grab the pants you have on because I am about to yank em down.
Tired of being lied to and confused?
I am in the process of making a 30 minute video right now. It WILL take alot of time.
Stay tuned....
Nice...Amerikkkkka, land of the credit freeze, home of the slave...
Monday, April 7, 2008
A Rusty White ORIGINAL !!!!
ALL I can say is ..............WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to watch "part" of the golf tournament on Sunday and didn't make it 20 minutes.
We are coming up on this weekend for the MASTERS. I might have to miss it this year. They continualy let corporate amerika infilatrate their basis and it becomes the norm and everyone becomes complacent. We now do not seem offended that we turned our TV on to watch a broadcast of "golfing", yet by the time the show is over, we will know everything we need to know cars, tampons, erectile dysfunction, hemmoroids, breast augmentation, penile implants, religion, lack of religion, american idol , american idol contestants, american idol contestants family, american idol contestants' family's hemmoroids,.etc,. etc,. etc........
It all boils down to the most profound song of all time.........The Eagles...." Get Over It".
You should go to youtube right now and listen to that song unless you are in deep meditation.
visit me at
ALL I can say is ..............WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to watch "part" of the golf tournament on Sunday and didn't make it 20 minutes.
We are coming up on this weekend for the MASTERS. I might have to miss it this year. They continualy let corporate amerika infilatrate their basis and it becomes the norm and everyone becomes complacent. We now do not seem offended that we turned our TV on to watch a broadcast of "golfing", yet by the time the show is over, we will know everything we need to know cars, tampons, erectile dysfunction, hemmoroids, breast augmentation, penile implants, religion, lack of religion, american idol , american idol contestants, american idol contestants family, american idol contestants' family's hemmoroids,.etc,. etc,. etc........
It all boils down to the most profound song of all time.........The Eagles...." Get Over It".
You should go to youtube right now and listen to that song unless you are in deep meditation.
visit me at
Sunday, April 6, 2008
WHAT THE .................? Part 2.
Okay, we left off with a basic understanding that the ENTIRE 911 fiasco didn't quite happen as we were led to believe. You must understand this one thing in order to see through the maze that was created by the perpeTRAITORS. ...911 HAD to happen !!! I know that might sound ludicrous, unfeeling and apathetic, but it will make sense when you look at it from a different perspective.
Most of what you see in regard to 911 is based on deception and diversion. It's just like the way a magician works, slight of hand. WE all KNOW the magician doesn't REALLY make a person disappear, but our minds are amused and entertained by the deception. The mind actually KNOWS how most tricks are done and when we see the process behind the trick, we say, "So THAT'S how they did that"!
Unfortunately, a certain part of civilization is content to be TOLD what to do, what to think, HOW to think and HOW to react to what they see. The problem lies in the fact that those people don't even realize it's happening. Here is a small sample of what I mean. You wake up in the morning to the sound of a radio playing YOUR favorite station. The morning news is going strong with all the latest headlines. You head to the bathroom to take care of business as "Another 4351 Dead in Iraq" swoons thru the airwaves. You hypnotically float into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee and hear the TV in the background. "President Bush calls for Putin", comes softly out of the flatscreen as that first sip of jo goes down. You pick up the paper to see, "Market gains 224 points on latest 1/4 pt. cut". Wow, you think, life is GOOD!!! You walk.... barefooted.... across your chemically treated beautiful hardwood floors towards the shower. The radio is wafting out, "Traffic is bumper to bumper going into the city", as the hot fluoride treated water hits your face and chest. Oh it feels so good to wash yesterdays "crust" off with that nice smelling soap. You brush you teeth with a paste that is going to "naturally" whiten your cigarette stained teeth. Your hungover liquor breath, will be freshened by a sweet smelling "swill" of chemicals that smells like FRESH MINT. You walk across the newly cleaned carpet to the closet. Inside those 4 painted walls of GYPSUM, you pull out your best looking dry cleaned suit. Wow, this polyester/acrylic fiber never felt so good. As you put your chemical warpaint and pheromone spray on, you look into the mirror and say, "I'm a human being god dammit and my life has meaning"!!!! (Well, maybe YOU don't say that. Watch the movie Network) You get into your new car smell and head off to work. Radio is your morning companion most mornings. The plastic device in your hand vibrates and you get excited as the first of many calls for the day comes in. About now the "other" mind wakes up and starts thinking. "Hmmm, that Johnson contract is going to be a tough nut to close", you say to yourself. "We just have to block everything else out and concentrate on this", you think. All this time your buddy, the radio, has been "pounding" you with all the things you NEED to know that are going on in the world. You walk into that gorgeous office of yours and see the latest headlines on the tv mounted up in the corner by the ceiling tiles. WOW, the hvac has made the room smell really "clean" this morning.
OKAY...Okay!.. You get the picture ! This could go on for a lifetime. Hopefully, you get the point.
I challenge you to try something different. This will make you feel better than ANY new drug or diet or food or car or money. Try this for 30 days......Just SEE if you can do it. Challenge YOURSELF!!!! For the next 30 days, unplug everything. Unplug the TV, unplug the radio, turn off your cell phone, pager, blackberry, pda, throw your newspapers in the trashcan, read the ingredients in your food and drive as little as possible. Don't go to any social event if it is based strictly on entertainment or is ego based. (movies, football, pta) It is a pain in the ass the first few days, but after that, you can FEEL the stress and bad energy sliding off of you like warm butter. It will change your life...guaranteed!!
Let's move on to how all that ties into 911. But wait! First off, I would like to extend my condolences to all the families of the murder victims of 911. It is a terrible atrocity that your family members and loved ones were murdered in the name of "profit". Watching those human bodies falling thru the air on 911 was something that we ALL probably need therapy for. Unfortunately, they were seen as "expendable collateral damage" by the folks that orchestrated this event. Once again, I, and every other American that knows the truth, apologize for letting this happen and not being able to stop it. Some tried, but they were labeled as conspiracy theorists. Sorry.
I don't want to go into how the Bush and Bin Laden families have such close ties. You can find all that on the Internet. However, it certainly sheds light on lots of events regarding 911, when you see where the money comes from and where it goes.
Back to our adventure. If you have ever played the game "Chugg it", you know that we all have a "TP" or tolerance point. Some of us used to be able to "fill 'er up", while others, "lost it" as soon as 1/2 cup of beverage hit the back of the throat. This is the same way we took in the news of 911. Some turned their heads away in disbelief as their minds were saying, "This is just TOO much information..shut down..shut down..shut down! Then there were those that watched everything that they could stomach in utter shock, as the mind was saying, "Can this REALLY be happening"? Then there was the other camp that sat there amazed this could be pulled off and "sold" to the public so easily. We sat and watched in awe and wondered, "Why are they "demolishing" those buildings"? We KNEW the second that WTC 2 was hit something was wrong. I actually had mixed emotions that morning. I felt like I should be saddened by the events, but I had almost 20 grand in Put options on the S&P that was going up 1000's by the second! BTW, after all was said and done, I wasn't able to make much profit on that trade, like many others, yet a lucky few made millions on positions on AA and UA. Amazingly, the paperwork that shows who made the money (that would lead to the killers) was ...gulp..."destroyed in the destruction of the WTC's". WOW!!!! No paper trail. No electronic backup. No bank transfers. NOTHING!!! I got about 10 different copies of my "near losses"!
But, like they say in Texas, "OIL Well"!
I have spent hundreds of hours looking at video of the WTC's being destroyed and always kept looking at the obvious "plumes", that come out of strategic locations, supposedly activating the necessary failure of certain structural elements to bring the buildings down. It always struck me that, "They don't have enough explosives planted to do THAT'! The buildings were PULVERIZED!!! No floor sections, no pieces of structural columns that, for all practical purposes are BIGGER than your bathroom. Imagine massive pieces of steel bigger than your leg, surrounded and encased in hardened concrete, constructed to specifications that take into consideration being hit by airplanes (707, L1011.....737 ..who cares!) and in one hours time, "turning into DUST"!!!! It only happens in Sci-fi movies. Up until now!!
What I am about to tell you has not been put forth into the main stream consciousness yet, as far as I can see. It is going to sound so far fetched that, once again, there will be those that turn their heads and say, "It can't be so. It just can't be! I didn't see anything about THAT on CNN or Bill O'Reily so it CAN"T be true. Where did you get your information? Prove it to me"! I have proved it to myself. Take my word for it or do your our research and find out about it. I learned long ago that you gain NOTHING trying to prove your stance on anything. All you get is aggravation and cynical, sarcastic criticism that is usually uneducated and egotistically based. I chose not to waste my time with the people that NEED that in their lives. Kinda like arguing with Shaun Hannity about ANYTHING. You are ALWAYS wrong even if you take HIS stance!!! hahaah!
Okay, let's get straight to the meat of this meal we call information overload and see where we come out.
There are certain types of equipment being used right now by the military, and police soon, that are more powerful than you could imagine. They use electromagnetic scalar interferometer weaponry that is actually pretty cool. Think of "ray gun" and you get the picture. Nikola Tesla was the one that actually came upon this power and learned how to use it. He finally abandoned it because he saw the destruction it could have upon mankind. You know as well as I do that the higher powers wouldn't let something so powerful just disappear. They have been licking their chops like inmates, waiting to get the chance to use this power and implement it into society. It is now being used for crowd control, weather modification and a host of other "operations'. Look it up on google. You can read for years about it.
Now the USAF has a neat little piece of equipment.. they even took pictures of it to show it off...and this thing bores thru the earth like a mole in your backyard. It is cool as hell and took a while to perfect but, "MAN, does it chew thru some DIRT"! They had to develop this piece of machinery so that it would bore thru the earth and whenever it encountered an obstacle (like rock) it would have the means of obliterating it into small enough pieces to navigate by it..or thru it. You can see this machine and learn alot by watching all of Phil Sneider's videos on youtube. They use what they call a laser/maser. Pretty powerful stuff.
So, we have the technology to laser/maser thru rock. We have the technology to vibrate atoms at such a rate as to cause them to explode, and we have the technology to "meltdown" weapons of mass destruction (as they are flying at 400 mph +) in the atmosphere by satellite. Remember Reagans' "star war" spiel?
There you have it. The WTC's were brought down by the use of a small amount of explosives (you can see pictures of thermite/thermate cut columns online), and the use of laser/maser technology. I'm not sure if it was fired from the ground or from a satellite but that is a mute point. That is the ONLY way those buildings could have been "PULVERIZED" to dust.
Search out the truth long enough and IT will find you. I took precautions before publishing this post. I have multiple copies of this and have told many people that I am not contemplating suicide. Imagine that! Your life in danger for spilling the beans. "It just can't be I tell ya! The government of this great country would NEVER harm anyone that wasn't a threat"!!!
Tuesday....part 3 of WTF.
Okay, we left off with a basic understanding that the ENTIRE 911 fiasco didn't quite happen as we were led to believe. You must understand this one thing in order to see through the maze that was created by the perpeTRAITORS. ...911 HAD to happen !!! I know that might sound ludicrous, unfeeling and apathetic, but it will make sense when you look at it from a different perspective.
Most of what you see in regard to 911 is based on deception and diversion. It's just like the way a magician works, slight of hand. WE all KNOW the magician doesn't REALLY make a person disappear, but our minds are amused and entertained by the deception. The mind actually KNOWS how most tricks are done and when we see the process behind the trick, we say, "So THAT'S how they did that"!
Unfortunately, a certain part of civilization is content to be TOLD what to do, what to think, HOW to think and HOW to react to what they see. The problem lies in the fact that those people don't even realize it's happening. Here is a small sample of what I mean. You wake up in the morning to the sound of a radio playing YOUR favorite station. The morning news is going strong with all the latest headlines. You head to the bathroom to take care of business as "Another 4351 Dead in Iraq" swoons thru the airwaves. You hypnotically float into the kitchen for that first cup of coffee and hear the TV in the background. "President Bush calls for Putin", comes softly out of the flatscreen as that first sip of jo goes down. You pick up the paper to see, "Market gains 224 points on latest 1/4 pt. cut". Wow, you think, life is GOOD!!! You walk.... barefooted.... across your chemically treated beautiful hardwood floors towards the shower. The radio is wafting out, "Traffic is bumper to bumper going into the city", as the hot fluoride treated water hits your face and chest. Oh it feels so good to wash yesterdays "crust" off with that nice smelling soap. You brush you teeth with a paste that is going to "naturally" whiten your cigarette stained teeth. Your hungover liquor breath, will be freshened by a sweet smelling "swill" of chemicals that smells like FRESH MINT. You walk across the newly cleaned carpet to the closet. Inside those 4 painted walls of GYPSUM, you pull out your best looking dry cleaned suit. Wow, this polyester/acrylic fiber never felt so good. As you put your chemical warpaint and pheromone spray on, you look into the mirror and say, "I'm a human being god dammit and my life has meaning"!!!! (Well, maybe YOU don't say that. Watch the movie Network) You get into your new car smell and head off to work. Radio is your morning companion most mornings. The plastic device in your hand vibrates and you get excited as the first of many calls for the day comes in. About now the "other" mind wakes up and starts thinking. "Hmmm, that Johnson contract is going to be a tough nut to close", you say to yourself. "We just have to block everything else out and concentrate on this", you think. All this time your buddy, the radio, has been "pounding" you with all the things you NEED to know that are going on in the world. You walk into that gorgeous office of yours and see the latest headlines on the tv mounted up in the corner by the ceiling tiles. WOW, the hvac has made the room smell really "clean" this morning.
OKAY...Okay!.. You get the picture ! This could go on for a lifetime. Hopefully, you get the point.
I challenge you to try something different. This will make you feel better than ANY new drug or diet or food or car or money. Try this for 30 days......Just SEE if you can do it. Challenge YOURSELF!!!! For the next 30 days, unplug everything. Unplug the TV, unplug the radio, turn off your cell phone, pager, blackberry, pda, throw your newspapers in the trashcan, read the ingredients in your food and drive as little as possible. Don't go to any social event if it is based strictly on entertainment or is ego based. (movies, football, pta) It is a pain in the ass the first few days, but after that, you can FEEL the stress and bad energy sliding off of you like warm butter. It will change your life...guaranteed!!
Let's move on to how all that ties into 911. But wait! First off, I would like to extend my condolences to all the families of the murder victims of 911. It is a terrible atrocity that your family members and loved ones were murdered in the name of "profit". Watching those human bodies falling thru the air on 911 was something that we ALL probably need therapy for. Unfortunately, they were seen as "expendable collateral damage" by the folks that orchestrated this event. Once again, I, and every other American that knows the truth, apologize for letting this happen and not being able to stop it. Some tried, but they were labeled as conspiracy theorists. Sorry.
I don't want to go into how the Bush and Bin Laden families have such close ties. You can find all that on the Internet. However, it certainly sheds light on lots of events regarding 911, when you see where the money comes from and where it goes.
Back to our adventure. If you have ever played the game "Chugg it", you know that we all have a "TP" or tolerance point. Some of us used to be able to "fill 'er up", while others, "lost it" as soon as 1/2 cup of beverage hit the back of the throat. This is the same way we took in the news of 911. Some turned their heads away in disbelief as their minds were saying, "This is just TOO much information..shut down..shut down..shut down! Then there were those that watched everything that they could stomach in utter shock, as the mind was saying, "Can this REALLY be happening"? Then there was the other camp that sat there amazed this could be pulled off and "sold" to the public so easily. We sat and watched in awe and wondered, "Why are they "demolishing" those buildings"? We KNEW the second that WTC 2 was hit something was wrong. I actually had mixed emotions that morning. I felt like I should be saddened by the events, but I had almost 20 grand in Put options on the S&P that was going up 1000's by the second! BTW, after all was said and done, I wasn't able to make much profit on that trade, like many others, yet a lucky few made millions on positions on AA and UA. Amazingly, the paperwork that shows who made the money (that would lead to the killers) was ...gulp..."destroyed in the destruction of the WTC's". WOW!!!! No paper trail. No electronic backup. No bank transfers. NOTHING!!! I got about 10 different copies of my "near losses"!
But, like they say in Texas, "OIL Well"!
I have spent hundreds of hours looking at video of the WTC's being destroyed and always kept looking at the obvious "plumes", that come out of strategic locations, supposedly activating the necessary failure of certain structural elements to bring the buildings down. It always struck me that, "They don't have enough explosives planted to do THAT'! The buildings were PULVERIZED!!! No floor sections, no pieces of structural columns that, for all practical purposes are BIGGER than your bathroom. Imagine massive pieces of steel bigger than your leg, surrounded and encased in hardened concrete, constructed to specifications that take into consideration being hit by airplanes (707, L1011.....737 ..who cares!) and in one hours time, "turning into DUST"!!!! It only happens in Sci-fi movies. Up until now!!
What I am about to tell you has not been put forth into the main stream consciousness yet, as far as I can see. It is going to sound so far fetched that, once again, there will be those that turn their heads and say, "It can't be so. It just can't be! I didn't see anything about THAT on CNN or Bill O'Reily so it CAN"T be true. Where did you get your information? Prove it to me"! I have proved it to myself. Take my word for it or do your our research and find out about it. I learned long ago that you gain NOTHING trying to prove your stance on anything. All you get is aggravation and cynical, sarcastic criticism that is usually uneducated and egotistically based. I chose not to waste my time with the people that NEED that in their lives. Kinda like arguing with Shaun Hannity about ANYTHING. You are ALWAYS wrong even if you take HIS stance!!! hahaah!
Okay, let's get straight to the meat of this meal we call information overload and see where we come out.
There are certain types of equipment being used right now by the military, and police soon, that are more powerful than you could imagine. They use electromagnetic scalar interferometer weaponry that is actually pretty cool. Think of "ray gun" and you get the picture. Nikola Tesla was the one that actually came upon this power and learned how to use it. He finally abandoned it because he saw the destruction it could have upon mankind. You know as well as I do that the higher powers wouldn't let something so powerful just disappear. They have been licking their chops like inmates, waiting to get the chance to use this power and implement it into society. It is now being used for crowd control, weather modification and a host of other "operations'. Look it up on google. You can read for years about it.
Now the USAF has a neat little piece of equipment.. they even took pictures of it to show it off...and this thing bores thru the earth like a mole in your backyard. It is cool as hell and took a while to perfect but, "MAN, does it chew thru some DIRT"! They had to develop this piece of machinery so that it would bore thru the earth and whenever it encountered an obstacle (like rock) it would have the means of obliterating it into small enough pieces to navigate by it..or thru it. You can see this machine and learn alot by watching all of Phil Sneider's videos on youtube. They use what they call a laser/maser. Pretty powerful stuff.
So, we have the technology to laser/maser thru rock. We have the technology to vibrate atoms at such a rate as to cause them to explode, and we have the technology to "meltdown" weapons of mass destruction (as they are flying at 400 mph +) in the atmosphere by satellite. Remember Reagans' "star war" spiel?
There you have it. The WTC's were brought down by the use of a small amount of explosives (you can see pictures of thermite/thermate cut columns online), and the use of laser/maser technology. I'm not sure if it was fired from the ground or from a satellite but that is a mute point. That is the ONLY way those buildings could have been "PULVERIZED" to dust.
Search out the truth long enough and IT will find you. I took precautions before publishing this post. I have multiple copies of this and have told many people that I am not contemplating suicide. Imagine that! Your life in danger for spilling the beans. "It just can't be I tell ya! The government of this great country would NEVER harm anyone that wasn't a threat"!!!
Tuesday....part 3 of WTF.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Divine Cosmos - Free Video Seminar Now Online!
Go to the 3rd part of Camelot series and fast forward to 5:oo min into video. Listen to
what he has to say about "PLANTS".
If this kinda thing doesn't interest you or you think it is "way out there"......guess what!.....YOU are the one that is "far out" and you may want to consider if that which you have been brainwashed with, is doing you any good.
Please take a look. It very well could be "A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH".
Divine Cosmos - Free Video Seminar Now Online!
Go to the 3rd part of Camelot series and fast forward to 5:oo min into video. Listen to
what he has to say about "PLANTS".
If this kinda thing doesn't interest you or you think it is "way out there"......guess what!.....YOU are the one that is "far out" and you may want to consider if that which you have been brainwashed with, is doing you any good.
Please take a look. It very well could be "A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH".
Divine Cosmos - Free Video Seminar Now Online!
WHAT THE ..............? part 1.
This post is going to TRY and unravel a few things in regard to some of the complex issues surrounding 911. If you are one of those people that go around beating the Bush War drum and you are a firm believer of the MM (mass media) propagandized tale of 911, then you might want to go check out the CNN page or tune in to Bill O'Reily to get your info.
These are not as much my beliefs as they are my views. This is how I see it from the information I have extracted from all this wonderful resource called the www. I have followed some info so far down the rabbit hole that it becomes very easy to get sidetracked. Others, I was easily able to see thru to the truth due to some personal experience or knowledge on the subject. Either way, I have tried to look at all this stuff and come up with a logical explanation of WHY 911 was planned, carried out, covered over and why someone would do this.
I am going to keep these observations as short as possible and not elaborate in depth so we can keep our eyes on the prize. If, for example, I say, "Bush is a liar", I'm not going to give you 37 links to go to so you can actually watch him lie, nor will I give all the resources that I looked at to come to that truth. That would take me longer that the war has lasted. So, what you are going to get is a very short and to the point statement of a fact..non-biased, logical, rational, unemotional.
Let's see where this takes us. Good luck.
We killed Saddam Hussein under the guise he had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We attacked Iraq under the guise they had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We are currently bombing and killing in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden. WRONG.
We were told calls were made from HIJACKED flights on 911. WRONG.
We were told Aluminum aircraft brought down concrete and steel buildings on 911. WRONG.
(I will elaborate on this one in a minute)
We were told 2 planes brought down 3 buildings on 911. WRONG.
An acting president sat unprotected for 30 minutes during an attack on the country. WRONG.
We are fighting Al Quida and Iraq soldiers in Iraq. WRONG.
The Bush Administration is doing all this for the welfare of the citizens, WRONG.
A PLANE hit the Pentagon. WRONG.
A HIJACKED plane crashed in Shanksville.. WRONG.
The WTC's were brought down by planes, fires, explosives. WRONG.
We are looking for Osama Bin Laden....ANYWHERE........ WRONG.
Terrorism is a REAL threat to our country. WRONG.
Stupid, religious fanatics from another country could take over a plane with a "boxcutter". WRONG.
Ted Olsens' wife called him from ANY plane. WRONG.
911 was a freak, unexpected event. WRONG.
America, land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE.... WRONG.
Oil is in short supply and needs to be expensive. WRONG.
The current administration is justified in bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or Pakistan. WRONG.
Oklahoma City bombing was done by McVeigh or one man. WRONG.
We need oil and/or fossil fuels for power and energy. WRONG.
We haven't developed the technology yet to have "alternative energy". WRONG.
We have a warming climate... Wrong.
We have a problem with the ozone layer. WRONG.
Our constitution will protect us. WRONG.
The police are there to serve and protect. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
Organized religion is for the enlightenment of the masses. WRONG.
UFO's are not real. WRONG.
No other life exists in the universe. WRONG.
THEY, are keeping the truth from you. WRONG.
We live in a Republic upheld by the The Constitution. WRONG.
We are free to go about, travel, explore, inquire as we please. WRONG.
Our WAGES can be taxed under original Internal Revenue Code. WRONG.
We DON'T have any sophisticated weaponry orbiting in space. WRONG.
We DON'T have thousands of miles of underground tunnels and numerous underground bases. WRONG.
The President runs the country. WRONG.
President Bush has ANYTHING to do with the running of this country. WRONG.
Dick Cheney is in charge. WRONG.
The Illuminati are at the helm of NWO. WRONG.
"Follow the money" will always show you the real truth. WRONG.
WE, as a species, are ready for the truth about everything. WRONG.
WELL, that is just the tip of the iceberg. I won't even get into all the religious, financial, biblical, societal, governmental and personal fallacies that are floating around out there. I have been lucky enough to have discovered that once you stand on the mountain and look at the forest, the whole idea of not seeing the forest for the trees becomes absurd. However, one should not become complacent with just seeing things from the mountaintop. You should strive to go one step higher....and then another...and another ..until the very thing you were looking at is seen as being one with everything. That may sound confusing but if you will open your mind to the possibilities, you will find the truth...and the truth will, not only set you free, but it will leave you sitting on your butt laughing your ass off at how naive you were all those years, while the truth and the big picture were right there in front of you the whole time, staring you in the face.
Okay, we will expound (briefly) on one subject at a time....then I have to go to work!
911, Airplanes, Concrete, Steel.
I was lucky enough at one stage of my life to drive a tractor trailer OTR (over the road) for a while. In a trip to Florida, I came upon an accident involving a UPS truck. It seems as if the driver had fallen asleep in the wee hours of the morning and had plowed straight into one of the concrete bridge abutments next to the road. The truck was fully loaded (probably 20,000 lbs. +/-) and the fuel tanks burst and the fuel got ignited from something. Diesel fuel in this case. The truck burned for some time before I got there. What really surprised me was how "little" damage was done to the concrete structure of the bridge. The column that it hit was virtually unscathed. There was a couple of small "chunks" of concrete that was missing (coffee cup size, one milk jug sized) from the face of the concrete and there was blackened burnt fuel residue on the face of the column, but THAT was it!!! The truck was absolutely DEMOLISHED ! The cab was smashed, engine and all, as flat as a pancake. Condolences to the family. I'm positive the driver died. The bridge was NEVER COMPROMISED! I came back by the next day and the bridge was open and cars were using it freely.
What does this have to do with 911.
When you challenge a concrete and steel structure with aluminum, titanium, steel or metal, the STRUCTURE will win every time. No questions. No doubt. Proved time and time again. End of story.
Airplanes and resulting fires DID NOT TAKE DOWN concrete and steel buildings. I was an Architectural Consultant for over 10 yrs. and I know more about structural integrity than 99.87% of people reading this post...So unless you are a Structural Engineer is educated in loads and such, don't waste your breath trying to prove the "molten metal" theory. WAS melted, but not the way you think !!!!
Tomorrow, part 2.
What REALLY made those buildings "PULVERIZE" into dust. (p.s. it wasn't JUST explosives!!!!)
These are not as much my beliefs as they are my views. This is how I see it from the information I have extracted from all this wonderful resource called the www. I have followed some info so far down the rabbit hole that it becomes very easy to get sidetracked. Others, I was easily able to see thru to the truth due to some personal experience or knowledge on the subject. Either way, I have tried to look at all this stuff and come up with a logical explanation of WHY 911 was planned, carried out, covered over and why someone would do this.
I am going to keep these observations as short as possible and not elaborate in depth so we can keep our eyes on the prize. If, for example, I say, "Bush is a liar", I'm not going to give you 37 links to go to so you can actually watch him lie, nor will I give all the resources that I looked at to come to that truth. That would take me longer that the war has lasted. So, what you are going to get is a very short and to the point statement of a fact..non-biased, logical, rational, unemotional.
Let's see where this takes us. Good luck.
We killed Saddam Hussein under the guise he had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We attacked Iraq under the guise they had something to do with 911. WRONG.
We are currently bombing and killing in Afghanistan looking for Osama Bin Laden. WRONG.
We were told calls were made from HIJACKED flights on 911. WRONG.
We were told Aluminum aircraft brought down concrete and steel buildings on 911. WRONG.
(I will elaborate on this one in a minute)
We were told 2 planes brought down 3 buildings on 911. WRONG.
An acting president sat unprotected for 30 minutes during an attack on the country. WRONG.
We are fighting Al Quida and Iraq soldiers in Iraq. WRONG.
The Bush Administration is doing all this for the welfare of the citizens, WRONG.
A PLANE hit the Pentagon. WRONG.
A HIJACKED plane crashed in Shanksville.. WRONG.
The WTC's were brought down by planes, fires, explosives. WRONG.
We are looking for Osama Bin Laden....ANYWHERE........ WRONG.
Terrorism is a REAL threat to our country. WRONG.
Stupid, religious fanatics from another country could take over a plane with a "boxcutter". WRONG.
Ted Olsens' wife called him from ANY plane. WRONG.
911 was a freak, unexpected event. WRONG.
America, land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE.... WRONG.
Oil is in short supply and needs to be expensive. WRONG.
The current administration is justified in bombing Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or Pakistan. WRONG.
Oklahoma City bombing was done by McVeigh or one man. WRONG.
We need oil and/or fossil fuels for power and energy. WRONG.
We haven't developed the technology yet to have "alternative energy". WRONG.
We have a warming climate... Wrong.
We have a problem with the ozone layer. WRONG.
Our constitution will protect us. WRONG.
The police are there to serve and protect. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
Organized religion is for the enlightenment of the masses. WRONG.
UFO's are not real. WRONG.
No other life exists in the universe. WRONG.
THEY, are keeping the truth from you. WRONG.
We live in a Republic upheld by the The Constitution. WRONG.
We are free to go about, travel, explore, inquire as we please. WRONG.
Our WAGES can be taxed under original Internal Revenue Code. WRONG.
We DON'T have any sophisticated weaponry orbiting in space. WRONG.
We DON'T have thousands of miles of underground tunnels and numerous underground bases. WRONG.
The President runs the country. WRONG.
President Bush has ANYTHING to do with the running of this country. WRONG.
Dick Cheney is in charge. WRONG.
The Illuminati are at the helm of NWO. WRONG.
"Follow the money" will always show you the real truth. WRONG.
WE, as a species, are ready for the truth about everything. WRONG.
WELL, that is just the tip of the iceberg. I won't even get into all the religious, financial, biblical, societal, governmental and personal fallacies that are floating around out there. I have been lucky enough to have discovered that once you stand on the mountain and look at the forest, the whole idea of not seeing the forest for the trees becomes absurd. However, one should not become complacent with just seeing things from the mountaintop. You should strive to go one step higher....and then another...and another ..until the very thing you were looking at is seen as being one with everything. That may sound confusing but if you will open your mind to the possibilities, you will find the truth...and the truth will, not only set you free, but it will leave you sitting on your butt laughing your ass off at how naive you were all those years, while the truth and the big picture were right there in front of you the whole time, staring you in the face.
Okay, we will expound (briefly) on one subject at a time....then I have to go to work!
911, Airplanes, Concrete, Steel.
I was lucky enough at one stage of my life to drive a tractor trailer OTR (over the road) for a while. In a trip to Florida, I came upon an accident involving a UPS truck. It seems as if the driver had fallen asleep in the wee hours of the morning and had plowed straight into one of the concrete bridge abutments next to the road. The truck was fully loaded (probably 20,000 lbs. +/-) and the fuel tanks burst and the fuel got ignited from something. Diesel fuel in this case. The truck burned for some time before I got there. What really surprised me was how "little" damage was done to the concrete structure of the bridge. The column that it hit was virtually unscathed. There was a couple of small "chunks" of concrete that was missing (coffee cup size, one milk jug sized) from the face of the concrete and there was blackened burnt fuel residue on the face of the column, but THAT was it!!! The truck was absolutely DEMOLISHED ! The cab was smashed, engine and all, as flat as a pancake. Condolences to the family. I'm positive the driver died. The bridge was NEVER COMPROMISED! I came back by the next day and the bridge was open and cars were using it freely.
What does this have to do with 911.
When you challenge a concrete and steel structure with aluminum, titanium, steel or metal, the STRUCTURE will win every time. No questions. No doubt. Proved time and time again. End of story.
Airplanes and resulting fires DID NOT TAKE DOWN concrete and steel buildings. I was an Architectural Consultant for over 10 yrs. and I know more about structural integrity than 99.87% of people reading this post...So unless you are a Structural Engineer is educated in loads and such, don't waste your breath trying to prove the "molten metal" theory. WAS melted, but not the way you think !!!!
Tomorrow, part 2.
What REALLY made those buildings "PULVERIZE" into dust. (p.s. it wasn't JUST explosives!!!!)
Monday, March 31, 2008
YouTube - JesusLand (Jesus Proud, Is He?)
HOLY COW !!!!!
This could be the next National Anthem !....[as soon as they introduce our new currency (the Amero)...coming soon], and now they are about to pass a law that won't let crosses be on Federal
land. These people are NUTZ!!!
Jerry Falwell, Shaun Hannity, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh.... WTF!!! You people not only LISTEN to them, YOU have the audacity to DEBATE about what they say!!!!
If you don't bust a gut laughing your ass off, go to the Zeitgeist movie in the previous post and it will make you laugh even more.
ALL you folks with W stickers on your car, it stands for WAR !!! doh!!!
YouTube - JesusLand (Jesus Proud, Is He?)
This could be the next National Anthem !....[as soon as they introduce our new currency (the Amero)...coming soon], and now they are about to pass a law that won't let crosses be on Federal
land. These people are NUTZ!!!
Jerry Falwell, Shaun Hannity, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh.... WTF!!! You people not only LISTEN to them, YOU have the audacity to DEBATE about what they say!!!!
If you don't bust a gut laughing your ass off, go to the Zeitgeist movie in the previous post and it will make you laugh even more.
ALL you folks with W stickers on your car, it stands for WAR !!! doh!!!
YouTube - JesusLand (Jesus Proud, Is He?)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Zeitgeist - The Movie
Please invite everyone you love and know to this site to watch this incredible movie. It might be banned soon.
It is the unequivocal truth. I have waited my entire life to see someone put ALL the pieces together so they can be viewed in one spot.
This movie will at least help you see what you need to do to be prepared for what is coming. There is a shitstorm headed for us and most people have their head in the sand..Don't worry about those out there that won't take responsibility for their own life and always want someone else to do it for them. It may seem odd at first to sit out in the desert in a boat having people telling you that you are crazy waiting for a flood to come. KNOWLEDGE is that boat. That is what is going to save you in this wonderful transition that will take place over the next 4 years. After you have watched this movie, if your mind is finally opening up a little, go to and watch everything you can on David Wilcock or go to and get yourself in the KNOW.
Good luck to all.
There is a war for knowledge going on right now. Your knowledge can BE controlled or you can control YOUR knowledge.
Pick your side. It is a matter of life or death.
Detox yourself a little by turning OFF the television, radio, stop reading the newspaper and getting involved in the political BS !! Those
are the very things that ARE controlling mankind at the moment. I promise, from personal experience, it won't hurt and it will make you feel tons better.
Zeitgeist - The Movie
It is the unequivocal truth. I have waited my entire life to see someone put ALL the pieces together so they can be viewed in one spot.
This movie will at least help you see what you need to do to be prepared for what is coming. There is a shitstorm headed for us and most people have their head in the sand..Don't worry about those out there that won't take responsibility for their own life and always want someone else to do it for them. It may seem odd at first to sit out in the desert in a boat having people telling you that you are crazy waiting for a flood to come. KNOWLEDGE is that boat. That is what is going to save you in this wonderful transition that will take place over the next 4 years. After you have watched this movie, if your mind is finally opening up a little, go to and watch everything you can on David Wilcock or go to and get yourself in the KNOW.
Good luck to all.
There is a war for knowledge going on right now. Your knowledge can BE controlled or you can control YOUR knowledge.
Pick your side. It is a matter of life or death.
Detox yourself a little by turning OFF the television, radio, stop reading the newspaper and getting involved in the political BS !! Those
are the very things that ARE controlling mankind at the moment. I promise, from personal experience, it won't hurt and it will make you feel tons better.
Zeitgeist - The Movie
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Conscious News Network
Talk about a great show. This is scary but it will open your eyes to what you need to do to prepare for this Financial Tsunami that is headed our way.
This is the beginning of the wild 4 years we are about to encounter. You better find a place to go so you can grow food yourself.
Conscious News Network
This is the beginning of the wild 4 years we are about to encounter. You better find a place to go so you can grow food yourself.
Conscious News Network
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
unseen dharamsala
Here is a very special page that will give you a look at the life of a Tibetian Monk.
We all seem to lose sight of what is really going on in this world.
We have a corrupt government that is bombing a path in Afganistan from the poppy fields to the sea and they do it under the guise of "turrurism".
It is all so insane.
We, as a species, don't DESERVE any better than what we have right now.
It' no wonder alien life forms don't want to visit this planet, all we would do is kill them.
unseen dharamsala
We all seem to lose sight of what is really going on in this world.
We have a corrupt government that is bombing a path in Afganistan from the poppy fields to the sea and they do it under the guise of "turrurism".
It is all so insane.
We, as a species, don't DESERVE any better than what we have right now.
It' no wonder alien life forms don't want to visit this planet, all we would do is kill them.
unseen dharamsala
Sunday, March 23, 2008
CANOE -- CNEWS - World: Cops Taser naked sex offender
Damn!!!! Here is the solution to ALL cocaine use.........hmmmm. looks like if you TASER someone who has chemicals (cocaine or alcohol) in their body, It doesn't seem to mix real well with the electrical voltage !!!
WOW !!! Imagine that !!!!
C'mon America..when are you going to wake up??
CANOE -- CNEWS - World: Cops Taser naked sex offender
WOW !!! Imagine that !!!!
C'mon America..when are you going to wake up??
CANOE -- CNEWS - World: Cops Taser naked sex offender
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis
dang... why would the goverment (THEY) ever do something that would detriment us as US citizens??????????
They are worried about the Swastika symbol and it was around 5000 yrs before Hitler/Hitner/Murderer/George/Carlyle group/ Prescott Herbert W Bush/ war
Please go to
What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis
dang... why would the goverment (THEY) ever do something that would detriment us as US citizens??????????
They are worried about the Swastika symbol and it was around 5000 yrs before Hitler/Hitner/Murderer/George/Carlyle group/ Prescott Herbert W Bush/ war
Please go to
What You're Not Told About The Financial Crisis
Easter: Christian or Pagan?
Here's one to make you think twice about coloring eggs.
The internet is such a wonderful thing. WE now have tons of infomation that we never had before or were just too biased or lazy to look into. We are now finding out that there are many things that are not quite what we have been led to believe.
I had no IDEA that the King James Bible that we all grew up with was actually commisioned (as in government) by a man that openly practised beastiality and had a tendancy for young boys. He, in fact, took out all the notes and translations from the margins that the previous Calvin Bibles had left in so that the little people could make their OWN interpretation. So we actually got something that was really tuned to the liking of King James. I, personally, am honored he would do that for us. ...hahahahaha.
Be careful what you read !!!!! The truth just might set you free.
Easter: Christian or Pagan?
The internet is such a wonderful thing. WE now have tons of infomation that we never had before or were just too biased or lazy to look into. We are now finding out that there are many things that are not quite what we have been led to believe.
I had no IDEA that the King James Bible that we all grew up with was actually commisioned (as in government) by a man that openly practised beastiality and had a tendancy for young boys. He, in fact, took out all the notes and translations from the margins that the previous Calvin Bibles had left in so that the little people could make their OWN interpretation. So we actually got something that was really tuned to the liking of King James. I, personally, am honored he would do that for us. ...hahahahaha.
Be careful what you read !!!!! The truth just might set you free.
Easter: Christian or Pagan?
Chinook Salmon Vanish Without a Trace - New York Times
Here's a pretty good hint from mother nature that we have screwed things up.
If you get your news from the main stream media, you won't see many articles like this.
Chinook Salmon Vanish Without a Trace - New York Times
If you get your news from the main stream media, you won't see many articles like this.
Chinook Salmon Vanish Without a Trace - New York Times
Thursday, March 13, 2008
What does it mean to be a citizen?
If you don't watch this whole video and learn what we are about, you don't need to be on this page.
I served. USMC 78-82 . I was an 0331. That is the MOS for a "M-60 Machinegunner".
I will be the first to tell you that there are not alot of jobs for that position once you get out of the military. I looked!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have some really cool downloads that we all might want to see.
What does it mean to be a citizen?
I served. USMC 78-82 . I was an 0331. That is the MOS for a "M-60 Machinegunner".
I will be the first to tell you that there are not alot of jobs for that position once you get out of the military. I looked!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have some really cool downloads that we all might want to see.
What does it mean to be a citizen?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Money Making Formulas, Mind Exercises to Attract Money.
Here is one I found thru a lot of searching. This gent has put alot of stuff together that I have used , including the Subliminal video, "Earn $5000.00 per day". It is a really powerful video.
Money Making Formulas, Mind Exercises to Attract Money.
Money Making Formulas, Mind Exercises to Attract Money.
Here are some sights I go to that may be of interest to you.
I will try to have the links to the free tones and music up tonight.
If you want the real news.
To see the news from the other side see.
here are some other ones I find useful:
If some don't work, let me know.
Here are some sights I go to that may be of interest to you.
I will try to have the links to the free tones and music up tonight.
If you want the real news.
To see the news from the other side see.
here are some other ones I find useful:
If some don't work, let me know.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Digg / RustyWhite
Here is another place I found to look up some pretty cool stuff and have a blog.
ALL OF THESE ARE FREE. If you have a business that is suffering, get on these things and take advantage of the world of FREE!!!!!
Digg / RustyWhite
Here is another place I found to look up some pretty cool stuff and have a blog.
ALL OF THESE ARE FREE. If you have a business that is suffering, get on these things and take advantage of the world of FREE!!!!!
Digg / RustyWhite
GrandCentral: The New Way to Use Your Phones
Hi all,
This is a really cool way to have a FREE phone number and get all the bells and whistles.
My number is 678-701-5102.
I have it set uo to ring my home phone and my cell phone and it tells me you are calling from the internet. Good marketing and callscreening tool.
GrandCentral: The New Way to Use Your Phones
This is a really cool way to have a FREE phone number and get all the bells and whistles.
My number is 678-701-5102.
I have it set uo to ring my home phone and my cell phone and it tells me you are calling from the internet. Good marketing and callscreening tool.
GrandCentral: The New Way to Use Your Phones
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
The Head Game
Okay, I have just about blown a fuse figuring out how to do myspace and blogging but it will be invaluable in the future. I am determined to learn how to use this damncomputer to the best of it's ability even if I have to hire some drop dead gorgeous 23 year old college student to come over and show me how this works !!! ...... Hey, what a concept !!! hahaha
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