Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mt. Rainier puts on a show! | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Weather Blog

This is the EXACT thing the Chinese and Japanese see in their country right before a massive earthquake.
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog

Mt. Rainier puts on a show! | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Weather Blog

This is the EXACT thing the Chinese and Japanese see in their country right before a massive earthquake.
Let us all put our heads deeper in the sand and hope nothing happens...
Oh yeah...remember to pray . That always seems to help divert earthquakes and hurricanes and tornados and disease.
Mt. Rainier puts on a show! KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Weather Blog

Jeff Rense interviews Lindsey Williams - Google Video#

I don't care if you watch this video or not. It will certainly give you an idea of what is about to happen in this country but you are probably like the other 65% of the people in this country that just want to keep their head in the sand.
It is not my job to try and tell people what is right and wrong and it's not my job to save the world. I have noticed that usually, all you get is criticism for trying to open peoples eyes and at this stage of the game,...I really don't give a shit.


Jeff Rense interviews Lindsey Williams - Google Video#