ALL I can say is ..............WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to watch "part" of the golf tournament on Sunday and didn't make it 20 minutes.
We are coming up on this weekend for the MASTERS. I might have to miss it this year. They continualy let corporate amerika infilatrate their basis and it becomes the norm and everyone becomes complacent. We now do not seem offended that we turned our TV on to watch a broadcast of "golfing", yet by the time the show is over, we will know everything we need to know cars, tampons, erectile dysfunction, hemmoroids, breast augmentation, penile implants, religion, lack of religion, american idol , american idol contestants, american idol contestants family, american idol contestants' family's hemmoroids,.etc,. etc,. etc........
It all boils down to the most profound song of all time.........The Eagles...." Get Over It".
You should go to youtube right now and listen to that song unless you are in deep meditation.
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