Friday, May 2, 2008

Out of Control Fraud

Out of Control Fraud

And this is why we are about to go bankrupt as a country.
The ONLY way to stop this rampant abuse is to stop paying the taxes to the government.
It is like giving the crack whore another $100 bill and saying, "Now don't you go spend that on drugs"!

WAKE UP before it's too........aaawwww shit, it is too late.

good luck

Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times

Union’s War Protest Shuts West Coast Ports - New York Times

Here is the very first event in a long line of upcoming actions that are about to shake the very foundations of our lives. This next week will be a catastrophic week on the West coast, mostly around Seattle. I would be willing to bet that you will see some sort of terrorist act on/around/involving a military ship and that will be the trigger that jumps us into "the unplanned war" with Iran. As far as I can tell, Iran hasn't done anything wrong...except being "hostile" towards the U.S...but we are gonna bomb the shit out of them and kill abunch of innocent people in the name of ...ummm, democracy!, anti terror!...uummmm...oh yeah, OIL!!! Damn, I almost forgot what all this was about!

Wake up people. We need to take this country back from the 2 bit homies that are running it.