Sunday, January 16, 2011

Brain Game!!!!!!!!!

I have wrestled all my life with the idea that what mankind believes about god may be skewed. When you think about it, one has to realize that any thought of a higher power is what we call "circular thought", or "thought loop". Think about it for a moment. Some "guy in the sky" created this species, as well as all others, for what reason. Ego? Boredom? A Test?

I cringe when I hear people say that (their) "god created man in his image and gave him "free will". Here we are, the most violent species on the planet and most likely the cosmos and I am supposed to believe that I am created in the "image" of a "loving" god? That's where the "circular thought" kicks in and it is pretty hard to step outside the box and look at it from a logical, rational, unemotional perspective once you have hardwired your brain to believe in the "status quo".

Our species, man, has no qualms whatsoever, of slaughtering any given species, even our own! We "slaughter" 13 million cows a day in what are appropriately called "slaughter houses". I really don't know the numbers on chickens, pigs, lambs and turkeys, but I would imagine the numbers are staggering. We justify this with the belief that they were put there by TBGITS (the big guy in the sky) for or consumption.

A whale cruises the oceans eating plankton and has no remorse about it. It's survival. A lion stalks the plains and kills an antelope to feed its' family and itself with no remorse. It's survival. A polar bear kills a seal, or a man for that matter, with no remorse. It's survival. Birds eat worms. Fish eat fish, etc., etc.

Here comes the tricky part. You might want to sit down so you won't get dizzy when your brain kicks into overdrive thinking this next thought. If I walk out on the street and shoot an innocent kid in the neighborhood, I am condemned of murder. If I am in a foreign country supposedly working for a government and do the same thing, it is somehow justified. This has to be the most "blatant" exercise in "circular thought" that ever existed.

I realize that man has been killing his fellow man all throughout history, but that is still no excuse to "justify" it in some sick way. We have actually gotten very proficient at the slaughter of other species and our own. Look at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. How sick do you have to be to justify the killing of 10's of thousands of "innocent, non weapon bearing men, women and children"? Fried to a crisp, radiated instantly, charred to the bone in seconds as they went about their daily lives. What if that had been Chicago or Houston instead? Do you think your perspective might have changed a bit? We had an event that happened here that pales in comparison to what we have done to other countries.

911. Well, there's really no reason to go down that road. Someone did to us what we have been doing to others for the past 60 yrs. and we get all bent out of shape about it. I'll bet YOUR "circular thinking" just kicked in and your brain is saying something to the effect of, "But it was terrorists"! I say, "Who cares what we call them"?. Just another example of man killing man, which justifies us to go and kill more of them, which causes them to want to kill more of us....and so on, and so on, and so on. Round and round we go. Will it ever stop? I, for one, seriously doubt we will ever see it in our lifetimes.

Which brings me to my point. We might just want to rethink this whole "god" thing. I mean, think about it logically for a moment. If you take a child and beat him with a stick and at the same time tell him you are doing it because you "love" him, can you even imagine what that does to the future hard wiring of the child's brain? should be painful. That ought to go a long way in making for a well adjusted adult in later years. So, what is the difference in that and the thought that there is TBGITS that is "vengeful and quick to anger" ....yet he loves you.....and in the words of George Carlin, "and he NEEDS money"!!

Here's a novel idea. Can't hurt to try it just once and see what transpires. We have a multitude of holidays throughout the year across the globe. Let's try adding one called "No Kill Day". On (pick a date) we as a species, don't kill each other or anything else for one day. Just one day. Forget all the other species, let's just shoot for not killing our own for one day. See how hard it is to actually visualize that happening?

Maybe we are wired in the image of the creator. So, it's okay to kill. Insanity at it's finest!

There were these 2 Japanese guys that worked on a whaling boat and they decided to take their wives to Hawaii to see the Humpback whales splash around. One guy says to the other.........Oh, wait a minute...That would never happen!

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